2020: The Year in Review

Top #LayOut Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
Layout Impossibly Slow 42
Layout? What's new and improved for 2021? 25
Layout too slow to use 23
LayOut 2020.1 's bugs 20
Layout 2020 Tags Bug...? 17

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Layout Impossibly Slow 89
Layout too slow to use 73
Printing Issue 72
Can't Effectively Copy and Paste from Excel to Layout 2020 52
Text showing in preview and not exporting 50

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Tips for Printing to Scale in Layout 21
Layout? What's new and improved for 2021? 20
Droste effect 20
Layout Impossibly Slow 19
LayOut 2020.1 's bugs 18

Most Bookmarked

User Topic Bookmarks
Layout 2018 - not up to par with other drafting software? 16
Searching for Best Practice: Producing Detailed Drawings in LayOut from Furniture Assemblies in SketchUp 7
Linking Auto-Text between LayOut documents 5