Updating Intel Graphics Card drivers

Sometimes the Update Driver option and the Hardware manufacturers website may indicate you have the latest driver, when there is a newer version available on the Intel website (check the driver release dates on Intel site).

If this is the case, download the zip file for the driver (How to Get Zip File Version of Intel® Graphics Driver ) and install the driver manually (http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/graphics-drivers/000005629.html ) .

If you see “The best driver software for your device is already installed” do the following (you can go to step 7) .

  1. Download the ZIP version of driver package.
  2. Extract the zip file somewhere easy to find, e.g your “Desktop”.
  3. Go to Device Manager, Select “Display Adapters”, Select "Intel(R) HD Graphics ***** "
  4. Right click , Select “Properties”,
  5. Select “Driver” tab
  6. Select “Update Driver…” button
  7. Click “Browse my computer for driver software”. Most important ****** DO NOT click “Browse” button
  8. Instead, click on “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”
  9. Select “Have Disk” button, a window “Install From Disk” opens up.
  10. Select “Browse…” and navigate to the driver folder from #2 and go to the “Graphics” sub-folder
  11. Select “Open” Button
  12. Select “Next”
  13. The latest driver should now be installed!


To open Device Manager:

  1. Press Win+R (Windows logo key and R key) at the same time. A Run dialog will appear. Type devmgmt.msc in the run box and click OK button.

  2. Start > Control Panel > System and Security > System > Device Manager.

  3. Start > Search for “Device Manager” > Open.

  4. Start > r-click on Computer > Properties (Control Panel shortcut) > Device Manager should be listed in left column.

be aware, that notebook makers do provide modded (throttled) graphics card drivers for ensuring the termal design is not exceeded and the cooling system not overrun sothat in consequence the GPU and thus the system is not overheated… using the general driver of the maker of the GPU may therefore lead to unwanted effects as described above typically accompanied by an increased power consumption and a loss of guarantee in case of a defect.

Really helpful…


The computer makers unfortunately tend to stop issuing new driver versions after about a year or two after the model has been released.

this heavily depends on the maker and the type of the model series dedicated to consumers or business users with the latter reguarly provided with a long term support for support/service as well as driver availability, one reasion for the higher pricing of business devices (as e.g. Lenovo ThinkPads or HP ProBooks or Dell Precision etc.).

Note that after step 10, inside the Graphics folder, you should click on the file that starts with “ig” and then click on Open, then Okay on the next window, and then “Next.”
You may need to reboot your computer at this point.
Now you can relaunch SketchUp!