Have held out on installing 2023. Just saw yesterday on another thread that 2023.1 has released. Find it odd that no public announcements came with this release after all the problems.
Anyone know if it’s safe to finally install or should I just hold out for 2024 now?
For now I personally feel no compelling reason to upgrade from the stable 2022 version. The risk of problems arising with 2023 is too great for any perceived benefit(s). There’s simply too much to lose, and especially so if I don’t have to lose it.
I think it’s a soft launch so everyone doesn’t destroy the servers when it is announced.
If you are a 2023 user I would definitely install 2023.1 - it has lots of fixes which will help with stability and bugs squashed that are present in 2023/2022/2021 etc
It is worth noting that there are changes to the iconography in this release, some tools look different. So it’s not the sort of release you just install to update when you are in the middle of work. You should pick your time carefully.
Interesting…I saw a few in the release notes that I would benefit from as a 2022 user. Just uncertain that I want to waste the time and struggles that come with it at this point.
I also tested new release 2023.1. & its look like more than SU free, I mean icons,
but I like new update, what I test yet, of course after 1-2 week it’ll shown better.
That’s not correct, when you do a good installation the shortcuts are transferred from version to version or even to a new machine. Anyways that’s not the case now, it’s an update not a new version that means that all your plug-ins and templates will be kept, unlike when installing a new version where you have to install the plug-ins again and create or copy the templates you had on a previous version.
stickers on your screen will do the tricks . I mean, the icons are svg, so you could go ahead and replace new svg by old svg. and do so on every updates for the rest of your life.
yup. just tried, it’s fixed, on mac at least. colin mentioned it was fixed a couple month ago, just had not been released yet.
yeah, just like we had to get used to the partial redesign in 2013, icons, logo icon and all.
humans are creature of habits. I have to look for some tools right now, but as they didn’t move, muscle memory (and shortcuts) are helping a lot.
I agree. the pair of feet was visually distinct. I miss the eye too, it was a beautiful eye. And the dot on the tape should be yellow. the tape is ALWAYS yellow