Sketchucation ExtensionStore installation issue

I have been given allowance to purchase PRO 2023, after using 2017 Make (free) for years.
I started with a free trial, just to get the feet wet. Not off to a good start

Simple things first:

  • The HUGE pencil cursor that literally is 15x15 mm on my HD screen. Seriously ? I am all for modern UI like Microsoft, but this is too much.
  • The “zoom on mouse wheel”. I refuse to install and setup AutoHotkey just because Sketchup could not be bothered to have options for disabling side rocker. My mouse does not have options to disable. Never a problem on 2017, where panning was so natural.

Bigger issue: I can’t use and install Sketchucation installer.
Every single extension I install from there, I get:


This is the latest version

How do I get things to work out of the box ? Or is the fault at SketchuCation extension with 2023 version ?

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When you installed 2023 did you ‘right click and install as administrator’ … this is NOT the same as being an administrator.

No, did not do that. Installed by download, run.
2017 did not have this issue, installed same way.

If you still have the installer, great, if not download it again.
Right-click on it and select ‘install as administrator’; during the steps, there’ll be an option to ‘repair’ the current installation … do this.

Why does it need to be installed this way?
Essentially a plugin as a program and running a program Windows requires permission to be granted … each time.
Installing SU ‘as an administrator’ grants it permission to run said plugins.
There are other reasons but that’s the simplest explanation.

Although using ‘Run as administrator’ to install SketchUp from its exe file is the only way to ensure that everything is working properly regarding permissions etc… The UnZIP error from SketchUcation’s ExtensionStore is almost always an indication that you have something blocking SketchUcation from properly downloading the RBZ, before it installs it.
This means an empty RBZ [which is actually a ZIP file] arrives in the Temp folder and can’t be installed.
The cause is almost always your Firewall settings which either blacklist or at least it isn’t whitelisted so your overly strict settings block it.

You [or your IT guy] need to look at your Firewall settings and whitelist the following settings…

The sites with **
and the IP addresses and

A similar issue was discussed here…



The cause is almost always your Firewall settings which either blacklist or at least it isn’t whitelisted so your overly strict settings block it.

You [or your IT guy] need to look at your Firewall settings and whitelist the following settings…

This is interesting. We DO have a policy implemented that requires signatures / a certificate to use SSL / HTTPS. Does Sketchup / extensions use / require this to download extensions and to handle registrations for extension ?

SketchUcation should have an up to date signed certificate.
If it’s been whitelisted as I suggested you should be able to download files…
Can you download RBZ files from the PluginStore -
If so then something is adrift with the auto-install method from your side ?

Ugh, I forgot about the issue with “zoom on mouse wheel”. I encountered this problem too when I first started using SketchUp and had to go googling for the answer. Fortunately my mouse comes with software that allows me to disable the side rockers.

What kind of mouse are you using (brand and model #)?


I think you posted this in the wrong thread ?

Zoom on mouse wheel was mentioned in the first post. This part may branch into its own topic at some point.

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No, I meant to post it here. It’s one of the complaints the OP listed in their first post:

Hello there. I’m having problems installing an extension. I’ve installed the rbz extension file to my downloads OK. I then open extension manager and click install extension. I find my rbz file in my downloads and click open but the extension doesn’t show up in the extension manager list. I’ve tried closing SU and restarting but same results. I should say that other extension installs have been done with no issues. Any ideas?

You are a bit off topic, as the original is specifically about the SketchUcation plugin store extension. But anyway, try opening the Ruby Console window in SketchUp, leave it open when you close SketchUp then restart SketchUp. See whether any errors are reported in the console during startup.

Didn’t see any errors reported but whatever that did fixed the issue. Thank you for the help.

update for the mouse wheel issue (may be specifically for Logitech devices)

Logitech has a software which makes it simple to disable the right and left rocker. You do not need to login when prompted.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Getting errors when using Diffusion in SketchUp 2021 with a Classic license