An error occoured in comunication with sketchucation

I have bought a licence how ever it doesent work i just get this message
An error occoured in comunication with sketchucation.

please help

You will probably get faster and better answers if you post to the Sketchucation forums

The usual answer is, make sure you have the most up to date version of the Sketchucation tool.

I have this installed i have reinstalled again and again and nothing works please help i am on a dedline

i have a feeling that this in the problem but i do not know how to fix this could you please help

It looks like your pc is blocking the connection of sketchucation, are you using an antivirus other than windows defender?

im not sure i have turned off all firewall but could there be others on

The antivirus could be blocking the connection, depending on which one you have, you must tell it that it’s a safe connection so it stops blocking it.

im not sure how to do this any tips

What antivirus are you using? You’ll have to open the antivirus app, go to web protection and look the websites that have been blocked.

i canot for antivirus apps installed anwhere

You’re using windows defender, the one included with the OS, I don’t use it, but all the antivirus have web protection.
Type on the search box defender. At the bottom of your screen. It will show you some options, one of those should open the defender.

I so sorry im so stuck ive turned off all protection but ui canot find blocked websites anywhere

It’s likely a firewall setting that’s too strict…
So, does your firewall whitelist ** ?
If not try that…
Also whitelist their IP addresses,

This isn’t a Sketchucation problem it’s sketchup in its self. I have the same problem with my 2021 pro license. I downloaded diffusion, which I was told that is compatible with the 2021 version but I get an error message too. You’re not going to be able to use your extension unless you subscribe to the later version of sketchup. We are all being force to subscribe. There’s no more free sketchup!

Hello Claire,

Thanks for reaching out to SketchUp Support!

We will always recommend using the latest version of SketchUp, and that’s available through a subscription. However, you can always continue to use your current version of SketchUp. The Web Services features affected by our End of Support policy use outdated embedded web browsers that cannot be updated and provide a lower quality of service and security. Those older features designated as Web Services present a potential security risk, and we made the decision to disable them to better provide a consistent, reliable, and secure experience. Please see our end of support policy

Even though the Maintenance & Support has run out on your SketchUp Pro Classic license, you can still always ask for support from the SketchUp Community Forum at:

You will need to update to a supported version of SketchUp to be able to install Diffusion.

Please post in the right place, not in any post.
Diffusion doesn’t work with your Sketchup version. You should have a subscription version

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Diffusion requires a subscription - regardless of the version you have.

SketchUp 2021 reached end of support on January 31st.

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edit : for future reference, follow up is here :

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