Sketch Up 2018 - Unable to Add A Classic License to install license number


I was hoping to get someone’s assistance.

I’ve just received my Mac Book Pro back from Apple Care and have had to download again the 2018 Sketch Up Pro Version I had paid for. I’m having difficulty accessing the program. My Serial and Authorization code don’t work anymore? Can someone please assist me.

Thank you

Perhaps @colin can look up your information and have Trimble re-send the license to you to make sure it’s the correct one. The old classic perpetual licenses should still work for their corresponding SketchUp Pro version.

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If there was any hardware change on the machine, and if you restored it from a Time Machine backup, the license won’t work. When the license is added it is tied to the hardware of that computer, and if the hardware has changed it will seem like a new computer.

The license should work if you do a Remove License, then Add License again.

Thank you @tdahlstrom for your help! My computer had the Logic Board and Touch ID Board replaced. When I got my computer back I downloaded Sketch Up Pro from the internet and tried to add my license which did not work.

When I go into Sketch Up License I don’t have the option to remove license.Do you know how I navigate things here? I’ve tried to upload a sreenshot I’m not sure if it has worked?

I wrote a topic about the not being online issue:

Short version is that you edit a text file inside SketchUp, to change what URL it uses to see if you are online. The topic gives the location of the file, and what you need to change in it.

Hello @colin
I’ve got the same situation. I removed the license of my old mac. Before I could do it, i had to fix the active internet connection. Now i reinstalled sketchup 2018 and fixed the internet connection.
But it is still not possible to add my license to the new mac. It isn’t even possible to add my license to my old mac anymore. Can you help me?


You have a SketchUp 2019 license, which you activated at some point. That commits you to using 2019 on new machines. Is there a reason you need to be using 2018?

Hello @colin , sketchup 2019 would be great. Installed it but still a problem:


That doesn’t look like a valid license for this version.
Each year’s version has its own unique license serial number and authorization code.

My license starts with TA-

SketchUp Pro 2019 serial numbers begin with the letter “U”.

Right, so you should use the license that starts with a U.

Hello, in my old mails I found the 2019-license back. Thank you for the support! Fixed!

Great, thanks for the update.