Could you give us actual infos about your machine ?
I’m not asking to nitpick. I’m asking because RIGHT NOW it’s super important for your crashes :
Sketchup version should says PRO 2023
Operating system is not 2023. it’s windows 10. or 11. or macos 13.6 or 14.3 or…
you can follow the steps here if you’re not sure how to find the info.
I’m asking that because right now, on mac, if you have the very last update for mac os sonoma, using the material panel will cause sketchup to crash.
Apple did something and now it’s Kaput.
more here :
So depending on what infos you give us, the solution will differ
also, when it crashes, does it open the Bugsplat window ? if so, do you send the bugsplat (error reports) ?