I am trying to import a very simple shape into Sketchup. I have done this many times in the past but for some reason, this shape either imports w/nothing inside or imports missing part of it. It is almost identical to another file I made but with a slightly different curve, so I am really stumped. See attached. thanks
Well, then you are faking it big time. Your replies are usually very quick. Do you dictate into a Voice to Text converter to reply so fast?
I used to think that my wife when younger was the fastest two finger typist in the West. If you are just using two index fingers, you are certainly in her league.
Ok, next clue… I opened a new file and it imported just fine, but it won’t import properly into my existing model. I can just copy and paste it I think but still don’t get it.
Does Shop do .dxf imports? You mention both .dwg and .dxf in your subject line.
Were your previous successful imports .dwg instead of .dxf? Would this one import as .dwg (if you have a .dwg version)?
look at this forum post - from a couple of years ago, admittedly, but it might still be relevant Sketchup Shop how to import dxf
I wonder if the model you are trying to import into has some problems.
Does Shop have what older Make and current Pro versions all have - a Model Info including Statistics/Purge Unused and Fix Problems? Try one or both of those, or try copying and pasting all of your existing model that won’t import your inner_stem.dxf file into a new file, then try the import again.
I just started with a new file and copy/paste yielded same result. Then I imported directly and it imports messed up although differently. I have tried both dxf and dwg and tried checking all boxes on import.