Track: SketchUp and Photoshop

This Track describes the process to export a series of images from SketchUp that you can combine in Photoshop (or other image editing programs). This gives you flexibility in creating your renderings, but also a process that is easy to follow.


Here’s the direct link to the track for those who might not have seen it yet:

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Thanks for sharing with us Eric. Much appreciated. I’m following along and it is as user friendly and easy to follow as one would hope due to your pedagogy and experience. Very good work done here. Bravo. I hope you get allot of a users sharing the link.

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Yikes, I did not know about that Colour by Layer trick that you did @TysonK

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I love this. Thank you :blush:
SketchUp Campus is a great idea


Thanks Liam, that’s definitely a compliment coming from you. Best thank @eric-s though, he created the Photoshop track.

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I do not have/use Photoshop but I thought I would look at the series just to see what it was like. My opinion will not be popular but I could not watch very much. Unlike the Fundamentals videos, IMO the instructor talks and click too fast. When he was getting started there was all types of things happening on the screen.

I will try again though because I think the videos might have a good description using layers.

Hey @ntxdave - Thanks for the comment. FYI - This is an intermediate level course so the speed is done intentionally with those users in mind.

Yes, I understand that it is a higher level. However, this is a common complaint that I see about video/tutorials (speed and a lot of clicking) very frequently. I used to teach a 5th year college course but that did not mean that I talked so fast that the students could not follow me. :grin:

Honestly, I am not trying to be critical, just trying to give some feedback. I want to see the Campus system be a big success.

Edit/Update: I watched several more lessons (all the way to the Photoshop specific videos) and there is some great stuff in it. The modeling I have done to date is far more simplistic and I have not had the need for the complexity of color by layers and the need for different styles on a per scene basis. Saw some great stuff in the videos. Still a little fast IMO but VERY informative. Hope that some of the stuff about layers and scenes will be added in future videos in the Fundamentals track.

Thank you Tyson for showing us your videos, I congratulate you very well explained, I am new with sketchup and I have a question regarding the course, in the layers, so that “s-tree-color-frz” is used?

I refer to the plane that appears in the scene when the layers are activated, what does it do and how do I create it in the scene?

Sorry if the question is stupid but I have the doubt about that.

Greetings from Venezuela

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Thanks @eric-s !

Yes its always the way, I learnt more at Basecamp in the hallways speaking to @Box and a few others than I did in the last five years! I love learning new things and ways to get around stuff.


Hi Ricado. The color plane for the trees is optional. It is added as a way to ‘Select by color range’ in photoshop if you want you trees to be separate from your model background but also not have the white ‘fuzzy’ edges that happens when you export PNG textures with transparent background…like the tree leaves. Go to minute 1:20 in to see this in action.

If you’re using 3D trees with geometry for the leaves then this step may be unnecessary. No stupid questions. Ask away!

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Thank you very much Eric, thanks for the reply.

Do the dimensions of the color plane and angle do not affect?

Because in the model, the plane is tilted and I do not know if that could affect the model

Does not matter. Can be flat or tilted…The goal is that it is big enough to cover the whole area behind all the trees. Another way to do it would be to change the background color in the “Styles” panel. Then you would not need that pink plane at all. The idea is the same :wink:

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Thank you very much Eric for clarifying the doubts, very attentive, thanks for everything, greetings from Venezuela :grin::grin::grin:

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Thanks @Box. Definitely spam and good reminder as these things come up from time to time :frowning:

I had never seen that here before - trying to put the blame for spamming onto an innocent person. Grrrrr blood pressure rising…

One of the videos in this course is missing. Anybody having the same problem?

Which one is missing?