I’ve Been working on creating watercolor renderings in SketchUp with no post production to the images. Is anyone else doing this? I would love to discuss methods.
This is great. Great compositions too! I’ve seen some other SU only watercolors, (or nearly). This has got to be up at the top.
There was someone doing tutorials and packages a long time ago. I’ll see what I have of their material. You might be interested. You might check out tadema’s work at SketchUcation-though it isn’t SketchUp watercolors per se, I think you’d like the feel of his renderings.
Thanks for the positive feedback, I don’t know anything about SketchUcation, I’ll have to check it out.
You might like to look at Alan Casas work. Digital Watercolour | SketchUcation. He is using postpro but some of the ideas or effects may be useful.
Very nice, and sure, I’d like to know your methodology.
Back in school, we had teachers who taught us real, Beaux Arts water color rendering: Pencil on 140 lb Arches Cold Press with a light table and T-Square, and all the intricacy of graded washes. Heck, a student a year ahead of me did his entire graduate thesis project that way. I didn’t do too much more of it after school, but always loved the results.
Thanks, RTCool
I took those same classes in college. I was always amazed at the skill some of the teachers an fellow students had. I was more of a pen and ink guy with a splash of color back then. I was excited when SketchUp came out an it gave me a chance to play more with color.
My method is easy I just take watercolor images from the internet to create components, materials and images for styles. I use “Styles” in SketchUp to layer background, foregrounds and textures, all from images that I doctor up in Photoshop that I can use over and over. The nice thing about having a good library of pre-production stuff is no post production work. Creating Styles to me is the key in getting the final product. Attached is a house I modeled tonight. once the model was built the rendering took 10 min. to add planting people and the style. The rendering is for a quick turn around to show a client. I don;t play to much with thing like simulating glass reflection to do that I use the image from the background add a little blue and set transparency around 80%. Once he settles on design and colors I’ll spend another 30 min. on more detail.
Very architectural watercolor images - still feeling light and sketchy! Great images! Have you discovered/created any new watercolor methodology?
Hi, I have used fotosketch to “Paint” my sketchup work. My workflow is Sketchup-Raylectrton (Render)- Fotosketcher. Have attached an example
This is super cool, great content in this post.
Nice work!
I have been using befunky with really good results. I like to take a photo, make it seamless, and then with befunky making it look painterly. I love this look for use on models directly!
I’ll have to check out this Fotosketcher you recommend.