Tape measure tool issue in SU2019

Just started using SU2019 on a new iMac running OS X Mojave.
For some reason the tape measure tool doesn’t snap to. After pulling a guideline with the TM tool it switches to an area measurement mode and the info in the dialogue box changes.
In earlier versions you could pull a guideline with a mouse left click; Click once to start measuring the distance and click again to stop, then type in a value in the dialogue box to snap a specific distance.
Is that feature not available in SU 2019 or what?
Kind of annoying. I have to hold the mouse still and left clicked in order input a measurement.
Any thoughts?

The behavior seems to be the same in 2018 and 2019. One thing that is new in 2019 is that with the tape measure tool you can point at edges to see their lengths, and faces to see their area. But the tool itself does the same as it did before.

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I’m going from using SU2016 to SU2019. In '16 the TM tool snaps and releases. You can drop the mouse which (as long as you don’t call up another tool), makes it easy to clear and type in the dialogue box.
Not sure why the tape measure tool automatically starts measuring everything you hover over even without left clicking?

It still seems the same in 2016. Are you able to do a screen recording of what you see behaving differently?

The info you see on hover is the new feature. It reduces the amount of times you have to select something and look in Entity Info in order to see the item’s dimensions.

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This suggests to me that you are clicking in the Measurements window before typing the dimension. If that’s the case, don’t. There is no need to do that. Simply drag out the guideline in the desired direction, let go of the mouse and type. Don’t move the cursor to the measurements window at all.

I understand what you are suggesting but I’m not moving the cursor to the dialogue box. One of the things that is disconcerting to me is that the TM tool is actively measuring in “area” units anywhere the cursor is hovering after being selected but before a left click to define a start point. Also after left clicking, dragging and releasing the left button, upon which it should, I think, “snap” and deactivate until the next left click. Is there maybe a setting I need to invoke to prevent that from happening?

Tap option, I think it is on a mac. crtl on win toggles guide behavior.

While that is true, that’s how it is in all versions. 2019 isn’t any different.

As for the new feature, there is no UI for turning that off. There is a way to hack one of the preference files, but it would turn off all help tips, not just the new ones.

The default action of the guides changed after 2016, or possibly the toggle is simply set the other way.

Maybe I’m not explaining it clearly.
I recorded 3 videos to better illustrate the issue.
Same scene recorded in SU2016, SU2018, & SU2019.
I start all three by double clicking on the axis to set the first guideline. Then click drag and release for the second guideline. Then input the distance I want into the dialogue (measurement) box.
In SU2016, the distance value stays in the dialogue box which allows me to reference what I just did. I then select the value & type in the distance I want (in this case it is 2").
In SU2018 & SU2019, the value does not remain in the dialogue box, so after pulling the second guideline, I have no reference for what I just did & have to either remember the location of the second guideline, or not move the mouse in order to see the distance I just pulled.
Let’s say i wanted to measure the length of a component. In SU2016, I could snap the measurement, the value would remain in the dialogue box & then I could release the mouse & let’s say, write that distance down, which I do often.
In SU2019, once you release the mouse the dialogue box resets & there is no reference to the distance you just pulled at all in the dialogue box, or anywhere else for that matter…https://global.discourse-cdn.com/sketchup/original/3X/d/1/d1c65862a6a7a2cfb0bf5c62365ca851f5498b29.mov https://sjc1.discourse-cdn.com/sketchup/uploads/default/original/3X/c/0/c02a1ea9b1db394c8abea9fda6b50591be8f5855.mov https://global.discourse-cdn.com/sketchup/original/3X/1/4/14f8f6ce657e461fd7dd2427b1bfaf835f7ead15.mov

Your first two links point to a file not found error.
Try making your videos with licecap, they post directly to the forum.

Maybe I’m not explaining it clearly.
I recorded 3 videos to better illustrate the issue.
Same scene recorded in SU2016, SU2018, & SU2019.
I start all three by double clicking on the axis to set the first guideline. Then click drag and release for the second guideline. Then input the distance I want into the dialogue (measurement) box.
In SU2016, the distance value stays in the dialogue box which allows me to reference what I just did. I then select the value & type in the distance I want (in this case it is 2").
In SU2018 & SU2019, the value does not remain in the dialogue box, so after pulling the second guideline, I have no reference for what I just did & have to either remember the location of the second guideline, or not move the mouse in order to see the distance I just pulled.
Let’s say i wanted to measure the length of a component. In SU2016, I could snap the measurement, the value would remain in the dialogue box & then I could release the mouse & let’s say, write that distance down, which I do often.
In SU2019, once you release the mouse the dialogue box resets & there is no reference to the distance you just pulled at all in the dialogue box, or anywhere else for that matte

In your animations you are doing exactly what I told you not to do and what you said you weren’t doing. There’s no reason to clear the value in the measurements window or to even click in the Measurements window at all. There’s no reason to ever click in the Measurements window with any tool.

Let go of the mouse and type the distance, hit Enter.


I understand. It’s the way I have always done it and purposely clearing and inputing the data in the dialogue box helps me slow down for a second and be more in touch with the scale and proportions I am designing with. However, if you are just taking a measurement, let’s say you are working on a file created by someone else (something I am required to do often) and want to pull measurements and write them down (also something I am required to do often) in SU2016 you could snap the measurement, let go of the mouse, and write down the value that appears in the dialogue box not worrying if you move the mouse inadvertently after you perform that action. In 2018 & 19, if you move the mouse just a fraction, the value in the dialogue box changes & there is no longer a visual reference for the measurement you just made.
Also, the tape measure tool now measures in different modes depending what the cursor is hovering over. What if you never ever need the tape measure tool to indicate “coordinates” or “area”, & just want it to measure length?

So using the tool incorrectly helps you “slow down for a second”. Is that it?


I’m not sure what you are getting at? I don’t see how I am using the tool “incorrectly” if the desired result is achieved. Maybe “inefficiently” or " purposely inefficient" would be a more diplomatic (i.e.: less confrontational) definition?
Cats are skinned in a multitude of ways.

The new tape measure hover feature is gonna take some getting used to. It doesn’t help when using the tape measure tool for laying out guidelines though, which is where I use it primarily.

The thing I’m getting at is that you aren’t supposed to click in the Measurements window at all. And the problem you are having is because you are doing what you aren’t supposed to be doing.

You don’t seem to want to fix your problem so I guess there’s nothing more to say.


Not sure I fully understand the issue here but it seams to me, from your explanations, that you are clicking and holding down the left btn, then you are dragging the mouse in the desired direction, then you are realising the left btn and type in the dimension.

If what I just explained above is correct, then you are doing it wrong (in a way). Let me explain:
What you want to do in 99% of the time is click and release left btn, NOT HOLD, then move mouse in desired direction and then input the value. If you click and hold, then you can’t input values, because doing so is more like adding guidelines by eyeballing, not doing it exact.

Good point! It would be better if the distance just set stayed in the box. Still if you use click to start the guide, then let go of the left button, move the correct direction, the dimension will be displayed to note or write down. Click and the set dimension will be displayed to note. Just don’t move your mouse around for a second. Write in a different dimension and that will display. Just leave the mouse alone. I admit that changing the display to coordinates when you do move the mouse is not as useful as seeing the previous reading, if at all. Don’t have to hold the mouse still, just let go.

If you are just measuring. Click the first point, let go, move to the other point or edge you are measuring to. See the snap. Read. Then either choose the next tool or hit escape. No need to click the mouse or place a guide.