Suddenly millions of 'edges' in all my projects! HELP

Suddenly I experience millions of ‘edges’ when I look in the ‘Model Info’ tab in all of my projects. As I group or make components of everything normally my models are about 50 edges for a really huge project.
For a certain project I was working on I had all of a sudden 10 million edges!
Even projects I’ve not opened for a month with normally like 50 edges now has suddenly 5 million edges, while nothing changed to that project.

I know that creating components, purging etctera can reduce file size, but is has nothing to do with that, and it occured all of a sudden.
Tried a clean-up, re-installing SU, … nothing seems to work.

I’m really desperate, because strange things are happening and it’s speeding down my work tremendously.

Share one of your SketchUp files so we can see what you are working with.

Creating groups and components doesn’t reduce the number of edges in a model. It just collects them into “containers”

A simple cylinder made from a default cylinder has 72 edges. There’s no way a large model could be composed of only 50 edges.

My guess is in statistics you’ve previously had the box for Show nested components unticked but have now ticked it.

Hi Dave, it’s large file. How do you want it to be sent? I figured out the million of edges and the nested components are solved :slight_smile: see the reply under yours. 37 counts now, that solves it but it’s the speed that suddenly is really slow, I thought it was because of the edges, but the box was checked of nested.

OK that explains it, now only 37 edges…
But the speed is the real problem, I thought it had to do with the edges…

My reply shows that, too.

You could upload the file to DropBox or WeTransfer and share the link.

Do you have Hidden Geometry turned on in the View menu? A slow style selected? Seeing your file will help.

Without seeing it though, 50 million edges sounds like a file that’s been allowed to get out of control.

So those would be edges that are not included in a group or component. You should have no ungrouped geometry in the model unless you are in the process of creating a group or component.

Yes indeed, saw your last remark only after my reply. Thanks.
But indeed the file with 10 mio edges is really crazy I think?
Herewith the file:
I hope you can help me with the speed. I really don’t know what to do.

I’ll take a look at your file. It’s downloading now.

That’s really friendly of you! Thanks, take your time.

I don’t group my section cuts, because when rendering it gives abnormalities.

You can take a big load off the graphics processor if you turn off the profiles. Either from a menu for “temporary”, or in a Style properties.

Or use a style marked with green check:

Section cuts don’t add to edge count.

You have a number of high poly objects such as the beds, couches, plants, and drapes. They are excessively detailed. Here with Hidden Geometry turned on.

You could use lower poly entourage, especially for smaller objects.

I did my usual cleanup. Fixed incorrect tag usage.

Purged unused stuff. I was surprised to see there were only some unused tags to purge. And I resized the huge textures.

There’s no benefit to having those huge textures even if you are rendering in Vray or similar. And in many cases the textures could be replaced with simple colors without being noticeable but would reduce the file size and improve performance.

I ran CleanUp 3 to merge coplanar faces which removes unneeded edges.

The cleaning I did reduced the file size by more than 26%. More could be done.

As @dezmo points out, you could reduce the work your graphics card has to do by turning off Profiles in the style. You could also switch to using Shaded instead of Shaded with texture while you are modeling.


That is already in my model.

Thank you, I’m getting into that. So you think it’s better now?
If I have further questions can I come back tou you?

Hi Dave, thanks for your solution. It 's clear, but
-fix ‘incorrect tag uses’-> how do you do that? Do you use a extension?
-‘material resizer’->how do you do that? Do you use a extension?

The CleanUP I already used and it didn’t downsized my model…

You mean like in my screenshots?
Just to be sure we understand each other right: the tick must be removed to not show profiles and speed up the displaying. :wink:

I think it’s better after the cleanup I did but I think it could be improved considerably by thoughtful pruning of the model.

You have this nice low-poly model of a couch with excessively high poly cushions, for example. Probably you could use simpler cushions and still make the viewer understand what they are.

Do you really need the racks in the wine cooler? Do the wine bottles really need punts? They won’t be seen even in a render unless you set the camera up close to the wine cooler.

Do the latches on the edges of the doors add anything useful to your story?

What about the oven? Do the wire racks and the fan in the back add anything to the story you are telling? You have a lot invested in that oven. What is the return on that investment? Again, are you going to make renders that show the inside of the oven? Is this model a n advertisement for AEG?

Go through your model and get rid of content that doesn’t help tell the story you are telling. Those little details no one will see are an investment without a positive return.

Yes.Of course.

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Yes. Default Tag Geometry from Sketchucation.

I used Material Resizer from the Extension Warehouse.

What settings did you use?

You could also use an extension like Skimp from MindSight Studios to put your entourage on a diet.

By the way, please update your forum profile. It shows you are still using SketchUp 2018.

yes, like in your screenshots

It MUST be like this: