I don’t see any problems with your extension purchase. So long as you’re signing in with your plumber supply email address, that should work.
There is a different issue that could affect both your SketchUp license and your extension licenses. I’ll give you all of the steps to fix that other issue, and it may fix the extension license one as well (you can skip step 4 if your SketchUp license is apparently working):
We have seen a situation a few times, where for some reason Windows is not able to update the license files. Here are steps to solve the problem:
- In File Explorer, go to this folder:
C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2021
Drag the files SketchUp.lic and EW.lic to your desktop. That will be a Move, neither file will still be in the original folder.
Hold the Ctrl key, and drag the two files back into the original folder. That will show as being a Copy.
In the SketchUp Manage License window, remove the license if it thinks there is one at the moment, then add the license values again. That should then activated the license ok.
For the EW.lic file, if you have installed any paid for extensions recently, and they give you trouble, remove the extension, and install it from Extension Warehouse again. That should fix any license error.
You can delete the files that are still on the desktop.