Sketchup IPad AR

@KeeneArchitecture thanks for the questions and for your feedback about the AR model viewing feature.

With this latest version, I’d recommend leveraging SketchUp’s Scenes capability to create markers in the model in places where you’d like to be able to stand in AR.

The steps would look something like this:

  1. When in the standard model viewing space, activate the Position Camera tool set the eye height to whatever works for you.
  2. Tap to place a camera at a point in the model where you want to stand in AR.
  3. With the Look Around tool, aim the camera in the direction you think you’ll want to point your iPad when you’re standing in the real world, viewing the model in AR.
  4. Create a scene to save the view.
  5. Rinse/repeat as many times as you’d like.
  6. You can then activate the AR model viewing mode and place the model at an arbitrary spot, and at an arbitrary scale.
  7. Open the scenes panel while in AR
  8. Hold your iPad at approx eye level, point the iPad in the direction of a corresponding scene, and then tap to activate that scene.

This workflow can help you to not only stand at a point of interest in the model, but also to more easily align the SketchUp model to a real-world location.