SketchUp IFC Manager extension

It didn’t list. But I’ve found the b*gger, it was Wquick_selection.rb that was messing up.
No idea why under SU22 there was no problem, but there we are.
Wquick_selection.rb (25,5 Ko)

Bit of a shame as quick selection is quite useful… but heh, with BIM becoming central to our workflow, tant pis, we’ll do without quick selection.

Thanks for your help & patience.
it’s 22h here in France so I’m signing off for the day…
Best regards,

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Ah … okay I took a look. This is one of Didier Bur’s old scripts from 2006.

He he/was notorious for poor coding practices.

I’ll see if I can fix it.

Great! Thanks for the help as always @DanRathbun !
I’m also calling it a day, it’s also getting late in the Netherlands :smile:


Thanks that would be really useful !
I’m still not clear though as to why all was well until we tried installing SU23, unless the latest version is more “strict” about coding practices, but since I’m a numpty on these things I’ll let it go & am just happy that Jan’s plugin now works in 23 :slight_smile:

Great job!
Do you think you can add BB/SFB classification system? That’s what we use in our projects.

Have you tried this? GitHub - DigiBase-VolkerWessels/SketchUp-bsDD-plugin: Buildingsmart Data Dictionary Sketchup plugin

It is not very complex to create your own.

you have to make the lists of classifications in an XML text file like this:

and bundle these files in a SKC zip file like explained here:

when you add the SKC in the classifications folder and add the name to the list in the settings.yml file it should work.
I can help a bit if needed.

Otherwise the bSDD plugin could indeed be an option :smiley:

arf I need to do some research… :sweat_smile:

…how do I know what is in “” file?

The Sketchup schema URLs are broken :sweat_smile:.
I would just copy the files at:
and change them where appropriate.

Change every occurrence of “NL-SfB tabel 1” by “BB-SFB”
the “.filter” file is optional, there you can list the main classifications, so others are only visible when the user unselects the “simplify” option.
the .xsd file is the main schema file with an “xs:element” section for every classification, I would stick to that structure to be certain the IFC exporter picks it up correctly.
“references.xml” can be copied without change
“documentProperties.xml” must contain the classification system information
in “document.xml” you only have to update the path to the xsd file

OK, I’m on to create the tree of BB-SFB to write the schema file…
It will take a moment… I’ll come back later

It’s been a while since I posted here, but wanted to mention there is a new version of IFC Manager that exports:

  • the new IFC 4x3
  • textures
  • geo-location



Hi @brewsky ,

I want to ask how Sketchup materials translate to IFC with your plugin. Is it possible to create some kind of link to IfcMaterial properties and the materials we paint the model with?

I’m not sure if I understand your question completely. In IFC an entity can be referenced a material(or list or layers of them) every material can have propertysets, is that what you mean? Besides the materials there are styles in IFC(more alike to SketchUp materials) with colors/opacity and textures.
What I currently do in IFC export is to style the geometry (not the entity) with the material, so every face gets the right color. And apply an IFC material with the name of the SketchUp material painted on the outside of the deepest nested component. If would be possible to also add propertysets af this level, the difficulty is how a user would add them in SketchUp because we don’t have a UI that manages the propertysets applied to materials.

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I’m still trying to figure out how to use Sketchup as an IFC editor. I don’t need it now, but will need it in the future.

I understand, by your description, how painting a face can be related to an IFC style. That is useful.

However, what I’m seeking is the other function of relating a material applied to an object (co
mponent/group) so that in the IFC export it becomes the material property of that object.

Like the material of an IfcColumn is “Steel” because “Steel” is the material assigned to the object.

This part is a bit cryptic for me. If I understood something, what you’re saying is that painting a material can’t be used as a way to assign a material Pset to a Sketchup Entity, that can later be exported to IFC?

Then, would it be possible to create a tool that would check the model for components/groups that have an IFC classificton but don’t have the material property, and use a material applied to them, to assign it as a Material Property Set? This could be done either manually or automatically at IFC export.

Ifc exported with Ifc Manager lets the user to read the material in different Ifc Software.
I use one to make estimates and I make rules to find items according to their properties, one of them is the material.
If I’m not wrong you can read the material in Trimble Connect too.

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That was the question! Thanks!

So what you did was just paint the group with that material and it exported as the material property of that Ifc Object?

Yes. In this case all of them are components not groups.

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ifcMaterial is actually quite a complex subject - IfcMaterial
So, again it all comes down to being able to (easily) add Psets and fill out the required information depending on what’s requested by whoever is doing the asking !
& all of that is related to the thorny subject of LOIN (Level Of Information Need) which is being codified as an ISO as we speak…
The only way of doing that easily is via a plugin by @rtches - see more here IfcSite Psets - How to create? - #6 by rtches