Sketchup Pro is a great potential for ifc Based BiM-Workflows and is just missing a proper export following the ifc standards.
The ifc-filstructure is based on the structure of the Outliner. So to model for ifc Export, you have to model from the inside out.
- model the Wall, Columns, Rooms → the Instancename is the ifcName/Number Attribute
but the ifcDescribtion, ifcTyp, Material, Layer is not exportet. The following mapping would be nice
Component Description → ifcDescription
Layer the component is placed on → ifcLayer
Name of the Texture/Material → ifcMaterial - combine all the elements in a component called “your Storey” and assign the ifcBuildingStorey attribut
- combine all the storeys in a component called “your Building” and assign the ifcBuilding attribut
- combine all the storeys in a component called “your Site” and assign the ifcSite attribut
in SU2018 the the Components Instance Name is not used for the ifc naming for the Storey, Building and Site components. This would help a big deal…
So I would highly appreciate a consistent programmed mapping or a export tool where the user can manually map the attributes.