SketchUp for Schools and Microsoft Store App

Good Morning all,

We were hoping to use the Microsoft Store version of SketchUp at our school. We have encountered a small issue and i was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or anything we may have missed.

We have installed the Microsoft App and we try to sign in and we get unable to connect to account. So i found the online schools guide. It took me to the web version that i was able to sign in and accept the 365 app settings for everyone and myself which worked on the Web. It made a small difference on the App and it looked like it would go in but now it is stuck in a loop signing in.

This happens on a few machines and different users. I’ve tried resetting the App but it hasn’t made any difference . If anyone has any ideas we would be very grateful.

Many Thanks

If you mean SketchUp for Schools, do you sign in with a Microsoft schools account?

@Steve_Ketchup may have ideas.

Hi thanks for replying

We login using the Microsoft schools account button. We have a commercial style domain name not a .edu or but we have educational licenses so i think that should be ok but not sure if that is qualified :/. Odd thing is we can login to SketchUp for school online and it goes in but on the app it just loops.

Thanks for your help

@KCSunUK Sorry for the slow response! If you are still encountering login issues can you please provide me with your school’s domain so I can add you to our list of approved users? Often times SketchUp for Schools mistakes edu domains for commercial ones and blocks users from accessing the app.


Thanks for getting back to me Steve. We have two school domains one for our Prep and one for our Senior school.

Very Grateful Thanks


Thanks Kevin! I’ve added both domains to our whitelist so you should now be good to go. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

Thank you Steve much appreciated. Take care and stay safe :smiley:

Morning Steve. the edu web app now works fine but when we try to use the MS Store version it loads the icon in the middle then prompts to login using Microsoft then it goes to the 365 Sign in page and then sits saying finding accounts then says unable to find account. The account im using is the same as i login fine with the web app. Do you have any ideas?

Many Thanks


Please would it be possible to add our domain to the whitelist?
It is:

Many thanks

@feltons I’ve added you to our whitelist, you should be all set!

1 Like

Hi Steve,

Thank you for adding us to the whitelist. I’m still having some issues though. I’ve tried signing in with a test student through this address: SketchUp

After signing in I get the message:


It looks like you’re having trouble signing in. Make sure you’ve enabled pop-up windows for SketchUp, then complete sign in using the pop-up window that appears.
Please note: SketchUp for Schools is only available for students and teachers in primary and secondary education programs.
In order to access, ensure that:

  1. You are using a Microsoft Education account, and
  2. Your account administrator has enabled SketchUp for Schools on your domain.

As far as I am aware I have completed the steps required, I have added SketchUp for Schools to our Microsoft Store for Education account. Is there something else I’ve missed?

Many thanks

Hello Steve,

Can you please add our domains to your whitelist?


@Shimon I have added your domains to our whitelist. Don’t forget, your Office 365 or G Suite administrator will still need to approve the app on your end before your users will be able to access it.

@samsartor Do you have any suggestions for @feltons?

Hello, I still can’t get my users in when using a Microsoft account and Office 365. I’ve resorted to trying Google accounts as below:

Perhaps someone could clarify the following - on the Sketchup for schools page it states:

In light of the current COVID-19 situation and the closing of primary and secondary schools in many parts of the world, we want to inform you of ways you and your students can access SketchUp from home.
Our browser product for primary and secondary schools, SketchUp for Schools, will be available to everyone through June 30th without the previous requirement of your school subscribing to Google Apps for Education or Microsoft Education platforms. You and your students can use a personal or school email to sign in, but it still requires your email to be a Google or Microsoft account.
Simply go to SketchUp and get started.

Yet when I sign in with a personal Google account I then get the message:


It looks like you’re having trouble signing in. Make sure you’ve enabled pop-up windows for SketchUp, then complete sign in using the pop-up window that appears.
Please note: SketchUp for Schools is only available for students and teachers in primary and secondary education programs.

In order to access, ensure that:

  1. You are using a G Suite for Education or Microsoft Education account, and
  2. Your account administrator has enabled SketchUp for Schools on your domain.

Aren’t these two things contradictory? The first states that we can sign in with a personal Google account - the second then stops it and says it must be a Google account connected to G Suite for Education.


Super late response on my part, but I figured I it couldn’t hurt in case you are still interested.

The sign-in error is generated whenever something goes wrong with the login process, which often meant a domain administration issue in the past, but could be any number of things. Since we’ve turned off the domain check, it must be one of those “number of things”. Looks like we haven’t updated the error message. The most likely possibility is that you are blocking/closing pop-up windows (preventing the login window from appearing) or have network issues. If you are certain that the login window is working correctly, send me a direct message and we’ll do a little more debugging.

@samsartor @Steve_Ketchup
Gents, please could you whitelist our domain as we are getting same login issue.



Alan your domain is all set! Since your domain is a .com Google or MSFT is likely mistaking it for a commercial account which our whitelist will override. Please let us know if you have any additional login issues.

Hello, Just following up on this. My colleague KCSunUk who originally open this thread asked for our domains to be white listed

Can you confirm this has been done? We are able to logon successfully to the web app but when we try to login to the desktop app, the login page comes back saying " there was an issue with looking up your account. Tap Next to try again"

I have tried several times, any help would be appreciated.


The domain whitelist only applies to Microsoft and Google accounts used at It does not apply to or to SketchUp desktop. Those products can only be used with a paying Trimble ID account, which students are not legally allowed to use in general. I admit the distinction between signing into Desktop with a Trimble ID (often created with a Google account) and signing into SketchUp for Schools with a Google/Microsoft account directly is a confusing one. But in a technical and legal sense, they are very different.

Edit: Note you don’t have to deal at all with domain whitelist issues until September 30th at least. We have opened up SketchUp for Schools to anyone who looks remotely like a student to aid in learning from home.