Removing classic license from a formatted computer


I’m having trouble reinstalling Sketchup 2019 after formatting my SSD. I had this license on my notebook and desktop. As I forgot to remove the license before I finished installing the old desktop, I now get the message saying I cannot install on another machine.

And there’s no way to get support, because they say I’m not allowed to support anymore.

Perfect way to force another purchase…

Any ideas on how to fix this, guys?

Removing the license before you reformatted your computer’s drive would have released it at the license server. You might get @colin to take pity on you and release your license for you.

Your choice to allow your support to lapse means you are taking responsibility for this kind of thing. Might make a note to remove the license before reformatting if you have to do that in the future.

The classic license is normally tied to the User name and the Host ID or Ethernet Adapter which is usually on the motherboard. You probably changed the name of the account, so you need to create a user account with the same name as before and then add the license there. Then remove it and use it on the new account.
FWIW, you are allowed to activate on two machines, but also get a spare activation, so there is at least one other machine with your license info out there…

btw, with the subscription plan, you get control of the activations yourself and can easily switch between all versions that use the sign in activation (2019 and up)

Do you still have a problem? It looks like you have been deactivating and activating. If you do still have a problem, I made an adjustment that may help. Try again.

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Hey Colin. It’s activated on my two machines now and I believe your tweaks made a difference. Many thanks!!!

Same issue happened with me resulting from a catastrophic hardware failure… it happens… Colin came to the rescue then too… :slight_smile:

Je suis nouveaux sur Sketchup Community
J’ai le même problème que @PabloCesar sur la version pro 2018

Impossible de trouver une solution et pourtant j’ai cherché

Aidez moi svp

Your 2018 license looks like it should be working ok. You also have a 2020 license, is there a reason you need to stay using 2018?

J’ai une version classique de 2018 mais pas 2020!
Après avoir changé des composants de mon PC sketchup ne fonctionnait plus
J’ai désinstallé 2018 et réinstaller parce que le message était “créée sur un autre ordinateur” ça n’a rien changé
Du coup j’ai installé 2022 avec période d’essai 30j pour pouvoir travailler en attendant de trouver une solution

Mon chef a pris une licence classique 2018 et passer à une version plus récente obligerai à racheter une licence ou prendre un abonnement

The error message was because you taken the old PC license and put it onto the new PC. If you open 2018, remove the license, then add the license again, it will work ok.

You do also have a 2020 license, but make sure that you have finished activating 2018 before you activate 2020. When you activate 2020 you are committed to using 2020, and won’t be able to activate 2018 on another new PC.

I have had an email sent to you, with your 2020 license details. Don’t use those details for activating 2018, you will need the 2018 license values.

En mettant les détails de la licence 2018 ça ne marche pas.
Installer sketchup pro 2020 engendrerai des frais et je (mon chef) serai obligé de prendre une version avec abonnement et non classique comme j’avais. Il me semble que à partir de 2020 il n’y a plus de licence classic
Il me faudrait la licence Sketchup Pro 2018 que mon chef a payé

—— translating ——

Alors, ce que Colin explique, c’est que tu as direct tenté d’installer la licencer 18 alors qu’elle est encore rattachée à l’ancienne machine. Si tu as toujours accès à l’ancienne machine, tu peux y désactiver la licence, et du coup elle sera dispo.

Il te dit aussi que rattaché à ton mail, il y a déjà une licence 2020. pas besoin d’en racheter une, elle existe. Mais attention, si tu actives la licence 2020, la 2018 ne sera plus utilisable (enfin activable)

Il a fait partir un mail (sur ton mail donc) avec les infos de ta licence 2020 déjà existante, mais là encore, si tu t’en sers, la licence 2018 ne pourras plus être activée de nouveau.


Du coup, ton chef a payé une licence pro 2018, mais visiblement aussi une 2020, et Colin t’a envoyé les détails par mail. Parce que les licences classiques étant rattachées à des machines, si SU ne reconnaît plus ton nouvel ordi, j’ai bien peur qu’elle ne soit coincée, et plus moyen de la remplacer (ça n’existe plus)

Donc vois dans son mail si tu peux installer 2020 (vu qu’une licence 2020 existe rattachée à ton mail)


C’est bon j’ai réussi!!!
Merci beaucoup à vous et Colin pour cette aide
J’ai pu installer 2020 avec les codes que Colin m’a transmis

Impeccable, bonne modélisation alors !


it worked. Huzzah ! :slight_smile:

Hello @colin I am with the same problem, how can i do?

Your license looks like it should be ok, so long as it is SketchUp 2021 that you’re trying to activate. Make sure the serial number you are using begins with WA-

@colin I have a 2019 license as well that I used on an older iMac system (High Sierra I believe) and now that I upgraded it to Ventura, I can’t seem to get it to work anymore. I keep getting an error message saying “That doesn’t look like a valid Serial Number and Authorization Code combination.” I also have a free upgraded license that I use on my Windows 10 for the 2020 version and that works fine. I’m hoping there is a way that I can get my 2019 version on my iMac to work again

Is there a reason not to use 2020 on your Mac?

It’s normal that when you have activated a later version license on any machine, you then cannot activate an older version on any other machine. The upgrading to Ventura should not have broken the existing 2019 license.

In Finder, choose Go to Folder… from the Go menu, and paste in this path:

~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2019/

Look at SketchUp.lic, how big is the file? If it’s zero, or very small, and if you use Time Machine you could browse backups and go back to before the Ventura update. See if the file is then a few hundred bytes big, and if it is, restore that file.

@colin Well, I can’t use my 2020 license for both my PC and iMac, can I?

I looked in that location, but it only shows a license file that is zero bytes big, and I didn’t have a time machine backup of it. So, I’m guessing I’m out of luck unless I can use my upgraded license on both machines?

Yes, you can add your 2020 license to your Mac, if you’re running 2020.

I see that you’ve tried that already, and it should be working now.

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