Thanks, I appreciate your help!
Hello @colin have the same problem.
I have desactived my licence on my old computer, but my new computer say the licence is used on too many computers. It’s like my desactivation ain’t working.
I have Sketchup 2018.
I don’t remember if it’s ralated to or
I will message you to ask for more details about the license.
@colin i have the same problem with Sketchup 2021 pro…Accont my e-mail…Could you please help me?
You have four 2021 licenses, three of which could be added to a new machine. Can you use one of those three?
I would like to use the one that is blocked (2 instalations). all others are in use and ok.
If you could remove it from from both computers (both are dead) i would appreciate it…
I don’t have access to all of the tools I used when I was in Support. You may need to ask them if there’s something that can be done. Here’s the contact form: