Problem with "license has been used on too many computers"

Hello. I am the ower of Sketchup Pro 2015. I don’t want to buy a newest version.
When I try to add license I get this info “This SketchUp Pro license has been used on too many computers”.
What to do? I would like to have a Sketchup on two computers but run only at one.
I can’t remove licenses from the old computers (where Sketchup was installed) because I don’t have no longer access to them (and the hard drives was formatted a couple of times without removing license).

Please - help.

Remove the license from an old activation, will free it up. You could also download SU Make 2017. The last free edition from Trimble.

But not for commercial purposes, though.

I can’t. On my old machine I needed to make a disk format (where was Sketchup installed a few times). Now I have two brand new PC’s. On one everything is all right. But I can’t add license to the second one. This is very strange situation for me. I bought legal software and now I can’t use it properly.

Should I crack my original version? This is madness.

Any solution???

because you have activated your one (1) license on more than two (2) systems, which btw is not allowed by the EULA you have agreed to obey.

Contact your supplier or directly Trimble for resetting the license activation counter.

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I did something that might help. Try the license again.

It works. Thank you so much Colin!!! Appreciate!!!
What did you do Colin? Did you resetting my all licenses?

Next time I will remember about removing license from old computer.

Thank you again :slight_smile:


I did something that would make it work this time. You will need to remove the license before you can activate on another computer.

Thank you so much Colin for your help !

Colin, I’m getting the same error when trying to install SketchUp 2019 on new computer. Can you assist please?

I have done so, but do try to find old machines that still have SketchUp installed, and remove the license from them. If you still have a computer that used to have SketchUp, but doesn’t now, reinstall SketchUp 2019 just so that you can remove the license.

For the moment you’re all set, but you would run into the problem again if you try to activate SketchUp on another machine.

Thank you Colin.
The previous computer crashed so shouldn’t be an issue.

I have same problem. The original unit is already formatted without removing the Sketchup 2019 license. I need to transfer it to other unit but " license has been used on too many computers" error encountered.

any one who can help?

Thanks a lot!

Colin, I have Sketchup Pro 2016, I’ve removed license from an old computer, but new computer is still telling me It’s been used on too many computers, wont let me add license. Do you know how I can reset the license count without maintenance support?

I can only find a SketchUp 7 license for your name, though that could be someone else with the same name. Also can’t see any licenses for your email address.

Is there a different name or email for the license?

Just want to add, for those who have a subscription license, you can go to Trimble | Account Management, then when viewing “my products”, select “view included applications” then, manage devices, and that will let you reset all your device authorizations.

Hi Colin, thank you for your prompt reply!

Yes, sorry about that, all license info is under our General manager’s name and info:

Paul Buraczynski

I have client who had the same problem. I find sketchup support Email anywhere with no luck, neither nor . Please help.

Hello Colin, I Have an issue, formated my machine but forgot to remove the license of sketchup, i have a classic one that allows me to install it on 2 machines.

I think that you should be able to add the license again, because the hardware hasn’t changed.