When I first looked at it, as @Anssi mentioned, I was interested in how it would look 3D printed. With some fiddling around, I came up with a pattern that spirals into the center and back out again to meet on the opposite side of the torus (i.e., it’s continuous with no ends).
Just had a look at your model @jimhami42, very nice. Your’s is a doughnut while mine is a sausage.
One note, since you have scaled it down from a very large size you get severe clipping when you open the group. A quick explode and regroup fixes it, or make it a component and use Scale Definition.
I’ve been thinking about doing something like that in the new roof I’m putting on my boat. Should give me plenty of free hot water. But that’s definitely a few bottles of whisky install.
It’s me again . My thoughts have turned to a variation of the sausage idea that could be a bit more 3d printer friendly. I’m no boffin but my common sense tells me that horizontal unsupported structures are a “no no”.
I tried a few variations (this is so addictive) and this is what I came up with so far, I’m not sure how feasible it is.BOX TEST 3.skp (651.8 KB)
Christmas day here so I’m busy cooking, but yes they look quite printable. Most printers would build up support structures for the top if you printed it in the position on the left, whereas the right might print without any support.
As to horizontal, you need a better printing system, They had one at basecamp that could do it easily as it used a second nozzle that printed a breakaway or dissolvable material as the support.
@jimhami42 I’ve just downloaded that model to look at thinking you meant it was three spirals arrayed, only to find that it is one continuous strand, arrrrghhhhhh it’s doing my head in!!!
Here’s something of interest to only a few, the print preview showing how the slicer would add support to a shape of this type. It also tells me it would be a 7.7 hour print and this is for an object only 100mm at it’s widest point. This is from my single filament UP Mini printer.
As a concept designer, I understand how you feel. Pure design can lack substance (it is satisfying to a point). Once you add a challenging brief to the mix, it takes design work to another level - much more fulfilling.
Have you considered working backwards from a demo and add a fictional brief which would make use of the skill you are demonstrating (obviously more work, but maybe interesting occasionally)?
As an example, a roof design which would require panels curved on 2 axis. Could be a way of demonstrating TrueBend or other extensions.
Absolutely don’t stop! Your adventures into the bent and twisted are always engaging. Though your last creations would be more than a challenge for most fdm printers.