Thom Thom’s True Bend.
What he said.
Blows my mind just what you come up with when playing!
What plugin does “Outer shell” come from? Can’t find it in the EW or SketchUcation store.
Outer shell is vanilla Sketchup.
It is part of solid tools but is also available in Make, as long as you have two or more solids overlapping you can select outer shell and they will combine. Any loose geometry or non solids in the selection will stop it being available.
Learn something new… cool. I’m sure this then has been available thousands of times… just never recall seeing it or using it. NOW I will!!!
I posted it on Facebook a day or so ago Duane so you can share it to your group and mention the benefits of outer shell.
Are you into curling now?
I wonder if we can find a curling rink in Vancouver, be great to have a match.
So you are, aren’t you?
And you like winning against someone with no experience at all in curling.
How about a competition in: Linschotens Polsstokverspringen 2015 - YouTube ?
… … …
No thanks. curling would be a better choice.
Shuffleboard is about as close as I have gotten to curling, I’ll risk it.
Just to explain the above ‘curling stone’. It was the wood turning gif that made me construct this.
I used the component block to create the pattern on the surface of a sort of torus. Then I painted the pattern black where I wanted. This allowed me to ‘select all with the same material’ and JPP it to get the depth.
everyone can do it, but thinking of it is another level …
Unbelievable stuff here. The possibilities here are beyond what I would have imagined. So much to learn, so much to learn…