Is there a way to divide an imported JPG once it is in the Sketchup model as this would be much easier to achieve my aim than cutting it up outside Sketchup and importing the bits?
This extension may do what you need:
Do you want to split images because they are too large as the extension @colin suggested? Or are you trying to cut up .jpg images inside of SketchUp, like so…?
Thanks for responses Colin and endlessfix
I’m wanting to chop up image as in the video . I’m working with SU Make 2017 so am wondering if either /both of your suggestions will work on that. Hope they will but getting late here in UK so may have to try them tomorrow.
Thanks again
Follow the steps of the video. Import and place .jpg, size it as desired, right click and Explode. Draw lines on it with the line tool to split the face as desired. Double click to select a face and edges, and right click to make group so you can separate the pieces without sticking.
The extension will do the same as you would do manually, so long as you’re cutting up in a regular sized grid. If you want to draw a set of random shaped rectangles you would do it manually.
The extension does seem to give some errors in Make, so it may not be an option for you.
Thanks Colin
I think I’ll try the “video” method first as that looks as if that will do what I was wanting.
In the mean time I’ve realised a modification I’d like to achieve that possibly neither method would deal with. I’ll explain in response to endlessfix in a minuet.
Hi endlesfix
I suppose I should have included some visuals earlier … may have helped you guys to figure quicker what I was trying to do. Took me a while to find your method in Make . I suspect you may be on Pro as it looks slicker operation than clunky Make but I think you’ve got me well on the way:
In principle I’m wanting to make the colour graduating strip take the “blue” route in the second image. Your method should allow me to chop the colour strip as I want and lay it along that pathway . Thanks!
I want the back of the path to be black and I think different colours back to back can sometimes cause problems so I tried it on my experiment version(top image) and it seem to cause no trouble so in theory I can build my little model
and see what it looks like before I try making a “real” version.
So thanks again to you (and Colin) for your time and ideas.
Not sure if it’s the same in make, but you may not need to pre- chop up the textures? once you have the texture in the model you should be able to edit it on each part of the model it’s applied to?
white rabbit is doing the coloring on the lines of what I was thinking, but I was busy making the model. How do you have gaps near the corners without gaps where the sides touch?
Should the corners go in an arc, to smoothly carry on in the next part?
What I ended up with. I wouldn’t say how I did the color was the easiest way, but other than it not being perfect, it isn’t bad.
Thanks for the input white rabbit. I’ll See if I can get that going on Make … for my learning curve (if nothing else) and maybe reach my target which is to have a single colour wheel spectrum travelling right round the cube(ish) pathway … a simpler version still than the (very pretty ) one that Colins done . Don’t hold your breath though … I only get shortish bites at playing Sketchup and am at toddler level in terms of getting it to go where I’d like to go.
Mmmmm… yummy Colin !
I like colours and yes ideally the colour change should arc round the corners rather than mitre but , as my spectrum will be stretched right round the cube rather than per side, part of my “L” shape above was to see what the corner looked like. My one was not even mitred like yours- just a butt join and the colour change on it is imperceptible … good enough for me
Sorry Colin … the path I showed was the basic version … I added short extensions to each end to go 3D.
I’m going to stick with my original , more austere, idea of a single spectrum right round but the spectrum per side is so delicious I’ll make that too. I think what I need is a broken leg to give me more time to play at making stuff. I’ve only made half a dozen and I started 30 years ago
I thought of a better way to add the texture. I will do a test of one spectrum line that goes from red and back to red, and ends to meet itself at the end of all sides.
Can you show what the extensions look like, so I can change my model to match would it should be?
I just realized, if I have the sides separated like I have them, and just extend the input and output parts to meet, that should do.
I did the extension, it looks good now.
OK . That’s another variant and I recon will look quite good too but I’ve missed one thing and you’ve missed another.
I missed that you are using the light spectrum MYC where I was aiming at the pigment spectrum RYB(as in the JPG I posted).
You missed the bit to white rabbit:
Ultimately each cube face will have a primary or secondary ROYGBV colour in the centre of its pathway graduating towards its two neighbouring colours in opposite directions with the halfway colour being, of course at the point the path turns to the next face.Green face would be approx :
so the full spectrum would only be seen as the cube turns
I didn’t do the green side yet, but I’ll finish what I’m doing, because it looks nice. I started a side with red, which means red’s not in the center, but you do only see all of the spectrum by rotating the cube. I don’t know what pigment spectrum is.
Great progress Colin. I wasn’t expecting anyone to take this much on board when I first asked about chopping up JPGs so you’ve been “getting the goal posts moved” every time I put in a bit more info as to my target.
So far, the nearest I’ve got to the RYB (pigment based) spectrum I want to use is below(though I’ll try to find or make one where green to blue is a bit smoother) but it doesn’t go through the whole circle from red to red … another job.
The MYC(light based) spectrum is below and does go red to red. That looks great on your first “paint job” so I might try that round the whole cube as well when I’ve achieved my “pigment” version.
I’ve put markers on the RYB spectrum at the points I would chose as the centre square of each sides pathway ROYGBV… though I think the orange marker could afford to shift a bit right.
My plan was to chop out from the JPG the colour range for each side of the cube, take them into SU , stretch them to the length of one sides pathway (65 squares) then paste them onto the blank pathway. I suspect there’s probably an easier way but that’s the extent of my ignorance at the moment.
The way I ended up doing things was easier that my first approach, and easier than what you’re thinking to do. I’ll make some notes about it.
Your notches are uneven, and if orange is moved to the right it would dedicate a lot of red or purple colors to those sides, not so many for the green and blue sides, and hardly any for the orange side. It is hard visually to see what the center square is, but presumably it’s the 33rd one from either end.
Something that would make things a lot easier would be to give the RGB values for the first square and last square on each side. Those would be the same amount of RGB-ness away from the intended middle square’s color.