Every time I open something such as materials I get an “aw snap” message, I have a very good quality and expensive computer which ran the old download version perfectly. I cant get an assignments done with the online version as it crashes ever time I try to do something and the response speed is horrible.
When making an error report, please state the browser and it’s version.
You have an Nvidia GPU (per your profile.)
Is the “High Performance Nvidia GPU” set to be used by your browser in the Nvidia Control Panel ?
I’m having the same issue. I’ve been working on the same project since Thursday, and had no problems until Sunday night. Now, anytime I try to paint something or add a component, the window crashes and I lose all my unsaved work. Which usually isn’t a big deal, but when you go through the same sequence 40 times it gets old… I’m running on two separate computers. One with Windows 7 and one with Windows 10, I believe both are running Chrome v. 64.0.3282.140.
SketchUp Free doesn’t make use of your computer’s power - it’s only reliant on the quality of your internet connection - it’s also a severely crippled version of the program. You’d be better off downloading SketchUp Make.
That is not true, it is hard to make technical claims without corresponding knowledge.
After downloading once into the browser’s local storage, SketchUp Free is completely executed locally by your processor like the desktop version (it is not comparable to a video stream). There is the same SketchUp core inside both. In contrast to the desktop version, Free requires a browser that supports WebGL equally good as OpenGL and runs Javascript very fast (and is optimized for machine code transcompiled to JS). That is not always the case with all hardware/browser combinations.
You are right that in case of problems, SketchUp Make is a pretty good alternative, albeit that it supports less platforms.
I didn’t know that - the more you know. Though that really negates any of the perceived benefits of the online version. I’d imagined opening a file on my phone on occasion - but that would likely be a nightmare without a proper gpu.
I am having a similar problem, updated Chrome to latest version, running OSX Sierra. My model is now about 73MB. Every time I try to add another item (bed, shower, etc.) and hit save, I get the aw snap error and have to restart. All changes I made are lost. This has happened about 15 times in the last 3 hours. I cannot save anything else without the crash happening. Running Version 65.0.3325.146 (Official Build) (64-bit)
If this is reproducible as a function of file size, it is possible that the browser limits the maximum memory per tab (in-memory data structures are usually larger than the file size).
So today I cleared Chrome cache, deleted cookies, closed tabs and windows and purged unused components. Still crashing. I opened Safari and was able to save three additional changes, but as soon as I switched to paint, program crashed. I have 16GB RAM and good video card, so I’m lost as to how to proceed. Google search says models can be over 1GB in size, so 76 MB should not be a problem.
The Google search result you found may have been in the context of the SketchUp Make or SketchUp Pro (standalone application) forms of SketchUp, rather than the browser-based SketchUp Free form. Speaking of which, you might try using one of the still-available SketchUp Make versions such as 2017 for your current modeling project. Make has fewer limitations than does Free, and is thus more suitable for some (dare I say many) projects.
Same issue here. I have a 100MB file that I can’t make any changes to without Sketchup Free crashing. I have a desktop GTX 1080 (Chrome is using) and 64GB of RAM.
My model is now trapped because my Pro 2018 trial expired and I can’t open my 2018 files online or in Make 2017.
I think you can upload the model file to the 3D Warehouse (setting it private if you want), then you can download it in your choice of “editions”.
Thanks for the suggestion, it worked! At first I tried to publish in Chrome, but the app crashed while exporting to the 3D Warehouse.
I tried using Firefox though and was able to successfully export and import into 2017. I think that Firefox doesn’t force an error when WebGL hangs. It just displays a warning and then you can wait for the page to become responsive again.
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