SketchUp Free for Web - Discontinued?

I’ve been an occasional user of the free SketchUp for Web for years (free desktop app before that).

I’ve tried to log on last night and access the free service but the option seems to have been removed. I could get to the “start modelling” button last night, but when clicked it just took me to my account profile and I could only subscribe to paid tiers from there. This morning the web search results are taking me to 404 error pages.

What is going on? Is free SketchUp dead?


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Have you tried this: SketchUp ?

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Amazing, thanks for the link - I better bookmark!

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You can also install it as a web app by clicking the button that usually appears in the address bar

In Edge it shows like this :

It is similar in Chrome and Firefox.

On safari you use the “add to dock” option

Use Safari web apps on Mac - Apple Support

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Sorry all! There was an issue with the link to SketchUp for Web yesterday as we rolled out the new website. It SHOULD be all fixed now!

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Web version still missing on main site and chatbot. Link above works to web version still seems to work today.

I’m also finding my current models on the online free web app keep crashing. Has the most recent release been gimped or something, or are you still just working out some kinks?

Share one of your model files that crashes so we can see what might be causing it.

I have also not been able to access the Web version for several months. I just get a floating cube in the middle of my screen and have no access to my models.

Which browser are you using? Chrome is usually the safest choice.

I’m currently running Brave. Ran it for nearly 6 months on Brave previously. It then just stopped working.

Try running Chrome.

I’m running Brave across at least 8 devices with synced bookmarks, etc. I’d hate to have to change my Browser system for one app.

I’m just suggesting that you TRY Chrome on one device to see if you get different behavior. If so, you’ll know the issue is with Brave. Basic troubleshooting technique.

That’s reasonable. I will see if it is possible to download the app at work today. I know that it is chrome on the work machine, but my company is finicky about installing apps.

I could have guessed. The same has been reported by several Brave users. Apparently Brave has ceased supporting something that SketchUp needs to work.


You don’t actually install SketchUp Free. You’re just opening a web page.

I assume since you are using SketchUp Free this is for your own hobby use. I would suggest installing Chrome on one of your personal machines on which you’ve already demonstrated the Brave has the issue.

I can see the error that happens in Brave. I’ve told the web team about the error. The page does work fine in Edge or Chrome.