Hii, I bought a new license SketchUp studio student but it doesn’t show up on my products list. I already received the email from trimble that could start using it but nothing show up
you probably didn’t allocate it to yourself
EDU subscriptions are assigned by the distributor you bought the subscription from. Your previous one expired three days ago. You would want to contact the company you bought the subscription from, and ask them to assign the new subscription to you.
The previous one was a 7 days trial.
This was my first bought subscription.
This was the email from trimble:
The place that I bought said that the trimble was the one sending the lincene
The ones you see in your own account will only be the trial ones.
I will try to find out who manages your subscription.
One idea, in this page:
do you see more than one account listed? The trials will show under the personal account, but there may be another account that shows your EDU subscriptions.
I think we have figured it out. The subscription looks like it was bought by someone else, and going into their account I can see the subscription, and it is not assigned.
You hopefully know who bought the subscription. Have them sign into here:
and follow the steps, to go into Members, and give you the access to the subscription.
I already tried to login via email and password and google account to see if was any difference but no. Supposedly if I recive the contact from trimble on thus email francisco.neto.rds@gmail.com should that be the email if account right?
Or should I try to delete account and try new one?
Or could be the name off account don’t is the same off billing? Once it is educational license could interfere?
The person who seems to have bought the subscription has a first name of Joao. If he was to sign in he could then assign the subscription to be used by you.
One thing to note, the student subscriptions are not intended to be used for commercial purposes. If you are using the subscription as part of your studying, that’s ok. If you are doing client work, you would want the full Pro subscription.
Yes I know. I subscribed with my brothers email once already done some works on his account. The name was different from billing address, could that interfere
Have him sign in, and assign the subscription to you. Then it will show up when you sign in.
but i’m signing with is email. I bought it and give is email, francisco.neto.rds@gmail.com, for the license. I gave my financial information and school certificate to bought it but was with is email. I receive in his email the contect from timbre that I could start using it.
It looks like the account doesn’t have an admin user assigned. I have asked Support what can be done about that.
I made some progress, I think! From our end it looks like Luso Cuanza did the purchase. They are now set to be the admin for the account, and they should be able to assign the seat to you.
Okay, I will call them. Be in touch with updates
The Luso Cuanza already did the assignment of the license. Now it’s working.