New 3D Warehouse killed some of my models

Hello, i’m here looking for a solution, or workaround for a problem i’ve noticed after the “major” update in the Warehouse.
Well, to start, the company i work sells products and the warehouse is an important piece of tech to help our customers to incorporate the products via sketchup, providing everyone with a good visualization.
Right now the page have 662 models of our products.
Problem is this new update.
I’ve noticed that the overall number of downloads on the company page have lowered a bit, and after some reading, i’ve realized that people are having a hard time finding stuff on the warehouse.
So after going to see what was up i found multiple models with a message

“Failed to Upload. It appears that your model upload has failed. Please try uploading the model again.”

And you can’t download a model with this message. the download button, when hovered says: “Download is unavailable due to an upload error”
Then i thought, “well, i can reupload them”
After reupload the sparkling magic shows up, and after the models are processed, the failed to upload message shows up again.

Is there a way to fix this on my side, or a attempt to fix this on the sketchup side of things?
Customers unable to download our items from the warehouse can show some very negative effects on our work here.
Any advice and suggestions are welcome, and thanks in advance!

Edit: For context of the quantity of models. I’ve opened the first 100 models, 33 of them showed the “Failed to upload” message, so it is a significantly portion of the products on there.

This may help…Check out the posts

I’m using it through web browser, all the uploads were made using the brave, and opera.
And tried loading on different computers and mobile devices, the problem exists in all platforms.
So the solution to fix files in my computer does not apply here sadly.

I’m going to reach out to you directly.

Hey @TheGuz
Any updates on the matter?
I’ve replied the e-mail almost a week ago, and got no response yet.

We are reviewing this bug now and it is marked as High Priority.

Update: The solution should be applied in the next two weeks.

I’m just returned from my vacation, and checked the models, and they are still not working.
Tried reuploading them and after 3 hours processing, they still “failed to upload”.
I understand that fixing those things take time, but, we’re losing downloads compared to before the update.
Like i asked via e-mail, is there some parameter, or limitation found in the models that failed?
There must be something in commom in the failed ones.

Has your problem been fixed ? I’ve been having the same issue with some of my models.

Not yet, after some e-mail responses, the team stopped replying, i was trying to find what could be causing the models to “failed”, but, they are still broken.
At least the new models i’m uploading aren’t getting the failed or the “sparkling” message.

A few of my models which i uploaded to 3D Warehouse are also failing to upload after hours and even after a few days.

I would check textures specifically for any file names with non standard naming and characters that are not ABC or 123 - I’ve come across SketchUp files that crash in other places because of things like that or special characters causing issues.

One way to find that out quickly - delete all of the materials in the model - then try uploading it . If it passes, then you know it is one of those to blame.

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I have the same issue, where as I upload a 3D-model onto the 3D warehouse, it will after some time give an “Failed to Upload. It appears that your model upload has failed. Please try uploading the model again.” message. I’ve been having this bug for a few months, where some models, even if delete all the materials all the ABC-123 names etc, it still will fail to upload.

I am working for a bathroom company where I design bathrooms in 3D and i use the 3D warehouse a lot for our furniture and so. But since this bug, it has been annoying to work around it.

Any updates? Or tips how to fix the issue?

How large are the components you’re trying to upload?

Sometimes a few kb, sometimes maybe a few mb, i would say max 15 mb?

So you get the “Failed to Upload” message even with the tiny ones?

Is it possible there’s a character in the filename that is causing the issue for you? Are you uploading these components as public files or are they private?

From the downloading side, I have noticed a lot of models showing
“Download is unavailable due to an upload error” - or something to this effect that you said earlier.

It’s also worth noting that with the website revamp, you can no longer really browse through models like you could before. Now you only have a very few on the front page and you need to search for anything else. Before, I could spend a good chunk of time looking around the library with one product leading to rabbit holes of other models but that is now gone.

So far, no clue what is causing the upload to fail.
I’ve tried a lot of different methods to at least understand what could be causing the error, since i model everything on blender and export to sketchup, but even with different types of import formats, the error persists, the textures format also, texture compression, names, sizes, etc. I’ve tried all possible combinations and still the error seems to be random. When the error first showed up the Sketchup team told me via e-mail that they have found the reason and a fix should be applied on the next 2 weeks (9 months ago), but even now some models still fail to upload.
The workaround for me (wich the success is also random), is export the same model to a new file and save it. sometimes it takes 3 attempts to finally get a upload.
Its pretty frustrating to be honest, all the time lost re-doing things that worked well previously, or having to stop work to send a file manually because the one on the warehouse is broken.

Can you share one that won’t upload?

Maybe someone can get to the bottom of what is wrong with the file

They are mostly private, and sometimes i have like ‘‘50 cm’’ in the title document, but even if i have numbers in the file name it sometimes still works, its weird