My file won't open

I I’ve been working diligently on a project file for the past three weeks, and it is critical to my workflow. However, today, the file started experiencing repeated bugs, and now it refuses to display the interface whenever I try to open it.

This file includes models from the 3D Warehouse, and I am desperate to recover it. I’ve tried reopening it multiple times to no avail. Has anyone encountered this issue before? Are there any tips, tools, or troubleshooting steps that might help me restore access?

Your guidance would mean the world to me as I’m racing against deadlines. Thank you in advance for any advice or support you can offer!

Hello, thanks for answering back!
It sketchup 2024. It not cracked version. Originally saved my file in my computer.
Here is a link for the files:

Why would you put SketchUp for Schools and 2023 in your profile then? Please correct your profile while I try to do something with your files.

Thanks for helping me!
Side Note: I am a student… and I’ve been learning by myself since mid-Nov of this year.
I appreciate the comment/feedback!

Can you be more explicit on my camera being “skrew up”? I m not sure to compehend this!
Many Thanks,

Post on forum profile license types has been moved to Meta category:

buenos dias tengo un problema alguien me puede ayudar

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