Unexpected File Format 2022 - File doesn’t open

The sketchup2023 I am using. it cannot be opened the next day after normal saving. Please help me!
20230424.skp (7.6 MB)

Both SKP and SKB cannot be opened.

Seems there’s a rash of this going on of late:

Maybe @colin and the Dev Team can work some kind of miracle.

I tried opening the file on my end and got the same result as the linked forum post. The only difference is I can see something of a preview of the image when it’s on my desktop.
As for the rest, when I open it, I get the error message, and when I click “ok” SketchUp proceeds to open as “Untitled” with these two weird little pulldown menus in the upper left corner. If I click on them, I get a bugsplat report.
I’m wondering if an extension is responsible… it might explain those weird pulldown windows. What extensions do you typically have going while you work?

Also, have you saved your work to Trimble Connect? If so, you can typically see a version history and try opening an earlier version of the file. If not, it’s in the developers’ hands and there’s a very real possibility you’ll have to start over.

Fortunately, some of the recent examples were recoverable.

Make sure to keep recent copies of the file. If it becomes corrupted again, let me know if you can remember what the last things you had changed in the model.

Here’s your file:

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Thank you very very much!!! :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Thank you equally. Your proposal has been very helpful to me.

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ModernCraftsman.skp.skp (7.0 MB)
Can you also work your magic on my file? I was really happy with where this home design was going and now I’m getting the exact same error.

Can you open this version?
ModernCraftsmanFixed.skp (7.6 MB)

It would be a good idea to make sure you are keeping your model cleaned up as you go along. Keep all edges and faces untagged…
Screenshot - 8_2_2023 , 2_55_25 PM
…and purge unused stuff from the file regularly.
Screenshot - 8_2_2023 , 3_03_36 PM

Thank you, I could open that one. I really appreciate the help.

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Hi! This is my first ever post for a first ever Issue. After a whole day working, I decided to save and restart my computer. Saved my file and when I tried to open it after restarting I got the ‘Unexpected File Format’ error. I have tried opening the backup files and it gives the same error. Can anyone please help me to recover it or let me know what to do? File can be found here

Thanks so much.

There is no problem with SketchUp 2024. It says there are a few problems but it opens.
Try with this file as it’s supposed to have the problems solved WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

omg!! the file you sent me works!! Thanks so much. I was already starting again but this has saved me a whole day. Really appreciate it !