Been working on a file for days and was working on rendering in Vray…
File became extremely laggy - so I saved and then closed file.
Restarted CPU and tried to open file and all of the sudden the file will not open?!?!?!?!
Received the “Unexpected File Format” error.
I tried restoring the .skb (backup file) as well and get the same error.
Tried locating the file on my “onedrive” account to see if the backed up file was clean - but it already updated those files to match the corrupt files.
Is there anyone that can help me recover this file?? I’ve read threads and watched videos but nothing will work. I saw someone from Sketchup on this forum was able to recover a similar file for another user… Hoping someone can help me out.
Have over 40 hours into this model. Thank you inadvance.
I have the same issue and via a simple search in the forum I found out that a lot people are facing the same delima, it is weired why trimble technical team has not yet perminantly resolve this issue! as it makes sketchup quite incompetent.
The problem for most users has been traced to the user choosing to save their files to the cloud and interruptions in the connection during saves. It’s weird that anyone would expect Trimble’s “technical team” to fix network connection issues.
If you have the same issue, share the .skp file so Colin can take a look at it.
FWIW the last person who report this issue today shared their file. I was able to open that one and repair it so they can open it.