Whenever I attempt to rotate to rotate the onscreen image the scroll wheel causes the app to zoom uncontrollably into the picture. The should be a method for controlling the zoom so that the image doesnt zoom AT ALL when the scroll wheel is depressed.
That isn’t normal behavior in the first place. Pressing the center mouse button/wheel should only activate Orbit or with Shift, Pan. Rolling the wheel should zoom.
What kind of mouse are you using? Do you have the camera set to Perspective or Parallel Projection?
Are you talking about orbiting the model?
The typical setup is for pressing the middle mouse button (the zoom / scroll) wheel to orbit the model. If you are zooming in and out it may be that you are actuating the scroll while pressing, or maybe your mouse is defective / broken / old.
what mouse is it ? brand and model ?
there have been problems with some brands where there is actually a side scroll that can activate when you click on the wheel, acting like a zoom.
For me the key is to not use the “freewheel” setting on my Logitech mouses. Using the wheel in “stepped” mode prevents it from turning simultaneously when pushing the wheel button.
well, I don’t use freewheel because I enjoy the click-click-click and progressive scrolling but that good to know
Hi Dave—
Is this the infamous Dave Richards??? Love your videos and Sketchup course (forget the name).
Funny you should mention that it’s not normal behavior. It SHOULDN’T be! I believe I found a setting to fix this once before, but can’t track it down now.
I’m using a Logitech M720 mouse with the dongle (not Bluetooth). My laptop is a Dell Latitude 7300 with an i7 chip and 500 GB SDD.
Don’t think the hardware is the issue. SketchUp 2024 is totally “off the wall” with flaky behaviors and frequent crashes. Silly little things; like, this afternoon, I suddenly couldn’t select another component. The selected item stayed selected no matter where I clicked. I had to shut the program down TWICE before the behavior finally “fixed itself” on the third restart.
Thanks for the help!
I don’t know about being infmaous. Is that good?
Thank you, though. I’m flattered.
Did you check the scroll wheel behavior in the Logitech software?
I guess I haven’t had that experience with SU2024.
Is your graphics card still the integrated one you indicate in your forum profile? In SketchUp’s Preferences>Graphics is it set up to use the new graphics engine or the classic one? If it’s set to the new one, try switching to the classic graphics engine. Then quit and restart SketchUp.
Did you install SketchUp correctly? That requires right clicking on the downloaded installer and selecting Run as administrator.
I have a Logitech M705 that does the same thing. I ended up getting a smaller Logitech model (sorry, don’t have it with me now) that worked better, but it does not fit my hand. I am still on the hunt for a mouse with a wheel that behaves as it should. FWIW, I get the same behavior whether I am using Free on the web or Pro at home, so it’s the mouse and not the software. Will investigate the “freewheel” setting and report back any results.
Try the Logitech M510. I have a bunch of them now and they work perfectly for me. I’ve worn the bottom off of a couple of them over the years but they’ve been so good for me I have stuck with the same model.
That actually might be what I got; it looks small in the product pics. Works like a charm but gets lost in my hand
EDIT: According to the specs, it measures ‎2.83 x 1.81 x 5.16 inches. I’ll see what I got when I get home and if it;s not the 510, I snag one. Thanks!
EDIT #2: I bought a M317; tiny thing, but the wheel works as it should and the mouse is recognized by Logitech’s software. Looks like I need to invest in the M510.
It’s about 4.75 in. long Maybe you have bigger hands. For me it works well. I had a 300-series mouse but it was very tiny for me.
I am using Logitech MX2 mouses in all my computers. Most recent Logitech mouses have a small separate button behind the wheel to turn the “freewheeling” option on or off. The Logitech Options software is needed to configure all these extra buttons.
My mouse is a Logitech M720. It goes both ways, meaning that it has 3 positions for different computers and can be connected either via a Logitech dongle or Bluetooth.
So that’s what that button is for (doh!). Gotta try it.
Thanks Scrondar. I’m really not in favor of buying new equipment to replace equipment that isn’t working as it should. This problem is intermittent and comes and goes at random. Logitech is responsible and I feel that they should either fix the problem or replace the mouse.
Do you have the Logitech software installed? If so, you can turn off Smooth Scrolling and see if that helps.
I have Logi Options + installed, and the screen you displayed below is not available. This is the screen that I see.
What do you see if you click on Point and Scroll on the left?
The scroll wheel is working properly again. I have no idea what causes this or how the problem was corrected, but I have had several instances with SU 2024 where things get bizarre regarding the mouse. From time to time, selection of components and objects gets “stuck”. I can’t select another object without shutting down SU and restarting.
Thanks for you time. I’ll let you know if it happens again. I have other mouse devices that I can use to test whether SU is to blame or my M720.