More Fredo6 plugins becoming paid extensions

Is there or will there be an option for corporate customers requiring many licenses to purchase a corporate key or perhaps blocks of licenses? Managing individual licensing per user account is a nightmare for IT admins. PayPal is also a non-starter at a lot of businesses.

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This was asked on Sketchucation and the answer is thereā€™s something being set up for that. It would be a good idea to asjk your question on Sketchucation, though so you will get a notification when itā€™s in place.

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Happy to purchase these as without these plugins sketchup is just such a basic modelling program. These plugins make sketchup actually functional for modelling :ok_hand:

Agreed. A good investment to make SU usable. Have purchased Fredo6 earlier paid plugins and will do the same for these additional. Have appreciated Justinā€™s dedication to helping users understand how to get the most from SU, so I have been a patreon supporter for 2 years as well.

Now if only SU-2022 $300/year subscription was a clear positive, which for me it does not seem to be - YMMV. The biggest issue with purchasing a SU-2022 pro subscription if I understand the terms properly: is that 60 days later my $700 investment in SU-2020(2021) goes down the drain, because it canā€™t be installed on any new computers I will own. I invested in SU-2020(2021) perpetual license, but Trimble says ā€œperpetualā€ only means on older hardware. Certainly do not expect continued tech support or any updates for the older ā€œperpetual ???ā€ SU, but to bar users from installing the software they own on any other computer they acquire perhaps to replace a damaged or stolen prior system ??? How is that even remotely reasonable. Again, no updates, no support = reasonable, but ā€œperpetual licenseā€ only for the life of your current hard drive or motherboard ā€¦ makes no sense.

Even MSFT isnā€™t that ludicrously mercenary. Oh - but MSFT has a pile of retained earnings that Midis would envy, while little Trimble perhaps is starved for cash and might not survive as a going concern unless they change the understood definition of ā€œperpetual licenseā€. Maybe thatā€™s it.

Once again a normal thread degenerates into pointless unrelated rants.


The license to use it is perpetual, not support and defenitly not compatability!
What you are asking for is rediculous, how can Trimble garantee compatability for an older version that is not going to be updated?

Edit: It is your resposability to supply Sketchup with compatable hardware and OSā€¦

Canā€™t imagine how is it possible to productively work in SketchUp without Fredoā€™s extensions. The price is reasonable. Unfortunately, my budget has run out of reserves for plugins without which comfortable work in SketchUp is possible. I guess itā€™s time to switch to different software. Sad.

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I would think that switching software is more expensive than 40 dollarsā€¦

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Certainly if you factor in any value for relearning time!

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In a long run no. Especially if you switch to the free option. Itā€™ll take not more than a month to switch.

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@Fredo6 , I want to purchase the bundle of 8 plugins but I still have problems installing and updating through the Extenstion Store Tool. See this thread for mor info: Can't update or install from Sketchucation
Could or would this be a problem with licensing? Sketchucation Extension store is working and telling me when an update is available. I just get an error when installing or updating an extension.

Do you have the current version of the Sketchucation Extension Store installed? Try updating it and then restart SketchUp. Then install the latest versions of LibFredo6 and the extensions in question.

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Done all that allready and a long time ago, Dave. You and Tig helped me back then to solve the problem, to no availā€¦
The problem still persistsā€¦

@DaveR would licensing be different from installing or updating? Everything else about the Extension Store Tool works, I can login, search, acces extension pages and even download them, just not install or updateā€¦

Shouldnā€™t be any different. What is the version of the Sketchucation Extension Store that you are using? It should be 4.2.5.

What do you get when you check Fredo6ā€™s Plugins for Update?

This is strange, extensions store tool doesnā€™t put itself in the updates categoryā€¦
I got 4.2.3. Updating does result in the dreaded ā€œunzip errorā€
extensions store tool is telling meI have 2 updates: fredoscale and libfredo6.
Check Fredo6 Plugins for Update is telling me everything is up to dateā€¦

So the SCF tool isnā€™t up to date. The latest version is supposed to fix that unzip issue. Download it directly from Sketchucation via your browser and install it. Then quit SketchUp and restart it.

If you installed Fredo6ā€™s extensions lately without using the Extension Store, the Extension Store wouldnā€™t have a record of that latest install. Fredo6ā€™s Check for Updates would, however.

If updating the Sketchucation Extension Store doesnā€™t fix this, it might be easiest to delete LibFredo6 and the extensions in question and install them fresh.

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In my case it seems the other way roundā€¦

Where did you get this info? I have had this problem since July 2021 and back then installing the latest version of extensions store tool didnā€™t work!

But, now it seems to be resolved!
I installed the latest version and now it worksā€¦
Thanks @DaveR