More Fredo6 plugins becoming paid extensions

All of the extensions are compatible with SketchUp 2017.


Tend to agree here. To work with SketchUP You need a tons of plugins, but they all work diferently, have their own interfaces and SketchUP becomes a real mess. So, at the end the effort to pay early subscription for tiny-tany ā€œdevelpomentā€, deal with a bunch of diferent extensions just to do a basic tasks? Yes, SketchUP is too expensive. There are better options - Moi, Rhino, BricsCAD, Blender, Fusion 360, etc. Happy paid 1000 Euro for Rhino perpetual license - got so much more for the money,


Hi Guys!
Need Help. Iā€™m a more than 15 ys Sketchup user and making a living with this amazing tool. Iā€™m living in Iran and unfortunately because of political issues (that I never understand) can not transfer any money through Paypal, etc. What can I do? Iā€™ll be appreciated if someone shares his spare license with me. so thankful.

You should be posting your question at Sketchucation. Thereā€™s already something in the works for those who cannot use PayPal. See the this link.

Thank you!

Hi, does anybody know how to get an invoice for the purchased Bundle? I donā€™t find any information on Sketchucation about invoices.

Did you ask there?

Yep, Iā€™ve just asked it there, too.

i would appreciate if anyone is willing to share one spare license, im studying and living on kinda tight budget. at least i tried, right?

There are many of us that are on a tight budget. Sharing would expose personal details, I doubt you will get a taker. Hence save your spare change until you can afford it.

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Hi greetings from mexico =), i was wondering i have just make a donation via paypal thinking it was the way to pay for the roundcorner license, is there any way to fix that? =S sorry i messed up

here is transaction number: 20959227790111257

Post on SketchUcaction

Absolute bargain happly paid for the bundle - if i think about the ROI on this it pays for itself in an hour.

You need to flag up somehow in the plugins that they are now paid.

Iā€™ve used fredoscale since forever and updated the Fredolib (invererate plug in updater) and it just stopped working!

I didnā€™t realise it was now a paid extension! took a day or swearing to finally realise whats going on.

Thankyou for making SU more usable.

Wider issue I think that SU needs to think about how it renumerates the plug in developers(do they?) not just that they can charge for the plug ins.

Yes there is a great open API , but it means that we have different workflows and infterfaces for every ā– ā– ā– ā–  plug in. Thom, Fredo, Su 4 u, etc etc, Skatter etc etc.

You are making their minimum vivable product usable for professsionals. I mean a scale tool that allows to set the size of an object is kind of a low bar.


Use the units with the scale tool to get specific sizes.

I consider myself a pretty advanced user of SU from the very early days.

Weā€™ve built our own BIm system that allows for the the model to be linked to our work schedules.

I can make it jump though all sort of hoops. subd low poly modelling etc etc. complex organic shapes

I never knew you could do this. :exploding_head: what else am I missing!

I am surprised almost daily by what experienced users donā€™t know about sketchup.


A low bar hurdled two decades ago or more. This is in SketchUp 3.1 which is the oldest version I have.


Whoa! Sketchup 3.1 in action! I got hooked around version 6 but it is soo cool to see this screencast! Thx @DaveR ! And yes - it is often amazing what ā€œhidden featuresā€ something like scaling has in Sketchup. Box-Stretching to Target is on a shortcut on all our machines because it fits our needs so much better. For me Sketchup isnā€™t Sketchup without Box-Stretching to Target. Thatā€™s the absolute minimum I need to install plugin-wise.

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For me, SketchUp is nothing without Fredo plugins. A 40$USD for a bundle of plugins I use daily. Itā€™s reasonable.

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