More Fredo6 plugins becoming paid extensions

Silly question, but how do I mark your post as solution? Not here but in my original topic…

TIG mentioned it in a thread about the unzip error.

There have been numerous updates to the Extension Store since then. I had the problem for a short period of time a couple of months ago and the next update fixed it. I’m not certain about the cause but I suspect it’s something that gets changed in a Windows update and TIG is chasing that withextension updates.

Good that you’ve got it working.

I guess you could post a link to my post that provided the solution and mark it as the solution in your thread.

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Couldn’t mark as solution because the topic is closed (due to timeframe).
Did edit my last post and shared the link to your post and mentioned as the solution!
Thanks again @DaveR and I guess also @TIG for being persistant in solving these quirks…

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I recently bought the bundle license and I need a receipt for my workplace so I can have the money refunded. I didn’t receive a receipt after purchasing the license. I only received the emails with the license. Where can I find the receipt?

Ask your question on sketchUcation, where the licensing is handled.

See the second half of this post in the thread on Sketchucation:

Thanks a lot!

Just bought the bundle, waiting for the mail…
Thanks @Fredo6 for all your extremely usefull plugins!!

Edit: mails received!

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Glad to know this works …

Have a great work with Sketchup


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@Fredo6 I did have to search a bit to find the page where you can purchase the bundle.

In general, you are concerned by license when there is a message (usually when the trial period has expired), leading you to the License dialog box. This is where you have the button Obtain License, which links to the Purchase page on Sketchucation.

The license dialog box is accessible at any time with the menu entry License... in the menu of the plugin.

Note also that the Purchase Page of the plugin have a simple URL (for instance, here for RoundCorner). You will need to sign in.

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I tried that with fredocorner and didn’t see the bundle option obviously, should have been roundcorner… :blush:

To be honest…SU without Fredoscale is pretty useless… :blush:

For some users.

I use it when I need it but that’s not very often.

…but how do you resize objects then?

Depends on the object and how it needs to be resized. There are lots of ways that don’t require FredoScale. You’ve been using SketchUp long enough that you should know all of those ways by now.

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“those ways” are workarounds to me…

There are many functions in FredoScale so I think you have to be specific. I use Box Stretching a lot for speed of use without opening groups or components, but I can simply move geometry in most cases for the same result, and often that is a safer approach when components are involved. I don’t use straight Fredoscalie – Box Scaling very much. On the other hand the other various Fredoscale tools such as Radial Bending do not have equivalency in native SkethUp. It does not mean SketchUp is useless. Some people use no extensions at all and do the most complex, even organic modeling.

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They may be workarounds for you but that doesn’t make SketchUp useless without FredoScale.

Mostly I model things the right size to begin with so I don’t need to resize them later.


In design processes dimension can be changed sometimes… :wink:

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