If I do enable an ICF option I don’t think it is necessary to model the ICF blocks with so much detail. Too much detail will dramatically slow down the model and make it sluggish (polygon count would be too high).
You would not need that much detail. The though is just the visual of the thickness of interior & exterior insulation and concrete thickness would be the only thing needed to visual effect. These are also the only things that would be variable within the assembly.
I’ve been thinking about adding in a Door and Window module to the polyline stemwalls. However, I’m not very familiar with what is common practice as far window and door bucks go.
Any feedback or drawings/details would be greatly appreciated.
Fixed a bug in the slab tool when layers/tags is disabled in the global settings.
I apologize that I did not notice this bug when I added interior footings to the slab module. Typically I enable layers/tags so it managed to sneak past me.
I haven’t paid much attention to the foundation plugin for a while since I have been mostly absorbed with the Wall plugin.
However I do intend on adding the window and door module to this plugin similar to what already exists within the Wall plugin.
I’ve also recently been asked about formwork and how something can be enabled to help quantify that construction element.
I’m still not sure what to do for formwork, what would you like to see? How would you like it modeled?
Obviously the square footage of the formwork is probably the most important parameter in all of this and from my understanding the formwork usually only is placed against the vertical faces of footing or stemwall or even slab.
Any feedback on formwork would be very helpful.
Please feel free to post here or email me directly at: nathan@medeek.com
Just this week I had a contractor ask me it there is a tool to layout form work. I would expect the plugin to have a setup where you tell it what size forms you have available. The the plugin would figure out what forms are needed where. It would generate a list of all the required forms.
I really haven’t got that much feedback on what exactly is wanted or needed for forms. The primary thing would seem to be the sqft of the required forms. Beyond that the modeling of the actual forms or splitting it into separate panels is probably not a high priority, but then again maybe it is.