Importing IFC in SU2023

Maybe @MikeWayzovski can help you…

I’m trying but it seems to take a long time.

I cannot seem to open the file (renaming to zip does not work)

I opened with bimcollab zoom. I changed “ifc_zipped.txt” by “zip”

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Hi Jack,
change .txt to .rar, not .zip and it will unzip afterwards.

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Raar (strange) :slight_smile:

It seems to be an old file (2013) that was exported with an old version of Revit 2017.

There might have been someting wrong at that time…

If you open it in the Trimble Connect app, you can then export the view as TrimBim:

TrimbleConnect trimbimexport

With version 2023, you can import TrimBim format and have a much easier to work with structure:

Havenpark te Apeldoorn.skp (15,2 MB)

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Thank you. Unfortuntly I cant control where my customers get their Ifc files from and i dont want to force them to use other applications to correct a mistake in SU. There is a workaround to import m correctly by using other applications, but this just seems to be a mistake in SU 2023. Previous version of SU import the same file without any problem.
Its not because of Ifc files made in older versions of revit. Files written bij the latest Revit version have the same problem

remove the txt, the remainder is a zip file with extension ifc_zipped


I have the same problem when importing an ifc in SU2023. The ifc model is modeled with Revit 2023 (the latest version), when I import the same ifc in SU2022 everything works fine.

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I am unable to get SU2023 to open a large ifc file I have received. It was exported from Revit. Like some of the other contributors to this thread, I was able to open .ifc files in previous versions of SU. Do I need a plug-in for this? If yes, which ones are optimal? I am using SU2023 on an M2 MacBook Pro.

I you can try to open it with Ifc manager. If it’s not posible try to upload it in Trimble Connect and export the file to trimbim. That format can be imported in SketchUp easily.
If not, ask for the Revit file and use Revit Importer

Hi rtches- thanks for the quick response. I have the Revit File- where do I find Revit Importer? Thanks, D

The Revit importer is part of SketchUp Studio for Windows.

What might/should be possible on the Mac is to upload the priorly received IFC file and upload it to Trimble Connect.
Once assimilated, you can download as Trimbim and try to import that into SketchUp 2023.

I have no access to a Mac right now, it might be that the ifc importer is not working in 2023, but if it worked in 2022, one might try installing that version and see if it copes with the ifc.

Send me a link with the file (also the Revit one) and I’ll try tomorrow morning to import it.
By the way please delete all your personal information in your previous post. It’s against the forum rules.

riches thanks again for your help here is the link

Rtches: I edited my post as you suggested thx for the coaching- I am completely self taught on SU so am stumbling along.
here is a link to the .ifc file which was exported from Revit. The Revit file was created from a scan of a physical space, so I am not sure how usable the .rvt file is.


ifc file of CMoA


](WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free)

well, I imported your IFC on my mac mini M1, it started at 23.35 , it is now 00.05 and it’s been “generating geometry” for the past 20 min.

SU is frozen but not crashed, one of my cores is at 100% (99 to 102%, go figure), it’s working on it.

I’ll come around check on it before going to bed, see if it managed to import the IFC

I have tried to import it with Ifc Manager and I have the same problem as @ateliernab , after more than two hours it does not finish importing.
With Revit importer I have not managed to import the whole model, maybe it is because the last 3D view in which it was saved did not have the missing geometry active when importing (if so try to save it again and try again).
Finally I have imported it to Trimble Connect and exported from there the model to TrimBim. This way I was able to import it back to SketchUp but all the properties and IFC information are lost, only the geometry remains.
I hope you find some of the models useful.
Here are the files