IFC Definition names problem

I have never used this feature but I need to send an IFC file to a fabricator…

So set up all components with definition names etc.
Save as IFC with just the types I need to export.

When I import the result IFC into a file, all the definition names are nonsense.
I get it? is that what it is meant to do? I mean its simple right? create a component, name it, elect type?

Hi bifterx,

You could be interested by this

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No. You need to use the IFC Classifications. Open the Classificatiosn toolbar and load the IFC2x3 Schema.

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See also this discussion …

Yeah I’d done that, loaded the classification schema and classified the steelwork using the toolbar.
I guess I expected the definition to travel with classified component.

Ill have a look through that discussion. thanks

yes I am, thanks. I use PB so have also signed up for news.

You’re welcome :wink: your model was made with PB or dynamic components?

just PB

Use the ifc exporter to have properties properly assigned.
Currently, the native export lacks (edited) properties:

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The native ifc export does not yet meet the buildingSMART requirements for IFC.
If you generate an IFC export with the IFC Manager Extension, all data is properly exported to IFC.
However, the quality of the export depends on whether you have correctly classified the objects, added the correct information and uses the correct model structure.

In the situation that you describe. You import the generated IFC back into SketchUp.
When SketchUp imports an IFC model or object, the geometry is bundled in a unique component with the corresponding object information. During this process, the definition name gets a unique code. The object information will be imported and can be read via the Component Options.

Check the IFC export from SketchUp always in an IFC model viewer or checker. For example Trimble Connect.

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thanks for the explanation. I suspected that might be the case, the fabricator uses Tekla so all good. thanks again