How to share 3d models

How do I create a 3d model that I can share like the ones in 3d ware house to preview models?

That’s a pretty vague question. You can share your model files in the 3D Warehouse by going to File>3D Warehouse and uploading the model.

I would like to share a 3d model with my customers that they can view in 3d but they don’t need to edit it

Open your model in the web version and use the Share option, this will give you a link to send them with a navigable model that isn’t editable.

How do I open the web version of 2023

Go to in your browser and log in to your account

Anyone can download the free SketchUp viewer to view models.
You can also share a link from SketchUp for Web.

that worked!

A post was split to a new topic: How to make a dynamic railing system for docks

In my experience there is nor reliable way to share a model. I have tried all sorts of methods of sharing models JUST TO VIEW. I do not need my clients or contractors to edit. I get mixed reviews every time like :
“the blue logo just spun”
“It loaded but glitchy”
“the trimbal connect is confusing to use”
“I had to create a SU account”

I never hear “wow that worked smoothly”

Here is my content 3D Warehouse

What version of SketchUp are you using? Complete your forum profile.

@itwasbetterfree your link is not working…

Here is a model I’ m working on. I hit File,> 3D warehouse >share model. Trimble Identity

I am working with the latest version of SU