Simple interactive model viewer for SketchUP for client meetings

My company is looking into integrating SketchUp into our deliverables, figures etc for our clients. Our team is relatively new with SketchUp so this is new territory for us but we have a large desire for better visual communication. I have looked at numerous posts and replies and I think I have a somewhat starting path to go with (Trimble, etc), although I’m not sure how/the best way to implement that is.

Our projects are large scale land development, showing topography and creating areas for development so large file sizes and less need to be able to ‘walk around’. We are often in meetings and create/share various 2D figures to get our ideas across. I would like to try to advance this by being able to share a 3d model through an online viewer or similar with some capacity for interaction.

I don’t want the client to have to sign up and/or download things to add any hassle to this approach. We currently email PDFs, and upload to folders and share-screen during calls as needed, quick and easy, but limited. However, I imagine for the meetings that we host, downloading something on our end for this purpose is manageable.

Ultimately, we are looking to show our ideas in a dynamic way to a variety of clients with in the most user friendly way possible on their end. Also with a degree of confidentiality as I’ve seen some mention to posting to publicly accessible locations which isn’t an option.

Apologies if this is to much a duplicate question but any help in this area is appreciated including linking to similar posts/solutions


Go to the 19min mark.

This will be in SketchUp 2025 so not quite yet but it seems to be everything you’re asking for.

The whole video is interesting if you want to see what’s coming.

Maybe you can use the 3dwarehouse if your models are not bigger then 50MB?

Once uploaded you can also embed those models into your website if needed.

You can create dedicated pages for specific customers to share, like in the example below.
(I copied the embed code and adjusted the height and width to 600px):

I think this is one of the easiest ways, without the customer having to log into any programs or apps. One benefit of sharing using the (embeded) 3dwarehouse models is the use of the scenes created inside the sketchup model (which was not showing up in trimble connect the last time I tried, maybe it’s been added now?), making the experience some kind of interactive and will point your clients to the details you want to show.

But of course there are more options to share models, as other users have/will share above or below :wink:

Trimble Connect should be able to do all of that, you can find more info at:
