Groups in dynamic components

There will probably be more different questions from me about using groups in dynamic components in this thread. But for now I will start with the first.
I’m trying to create a simple component that has a group in the middle. When adding certain functions and attributes to a group, and to a top-level component that manages a child group, things happen that I don’t understand when the component scales. Can anyone explain why this is happening? I’ve seen many examples here of components working correctly with child groups. And I can’t figure out what is wrong with my component.

Фасад_ЛПВН.skp (16.8 КБ)

The axis and embedded rotations complicate matters as no rotation or size fixed or referenced. So the objects spin and lenx, lenz cross update

ratio of lenx to lenz would be the scale factor? again constantly updating and increasing
hard to control, much easier to place the groups on same plane and only rotate the component (components are much more resilient)

Groups are helpful, especially on the lowest level, like the parts of a “L” shaped shelf, as they are not read with OCL.
However changing scales with group within group is problematic whereas components become unique. Groups can for a time be connected after a copy, so need to use “deep make unique” a warehouse extension (use via right click menu)

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Thanks for the answers.
I tried some construction options and found that if I don’t control the group through dynamic attributes, but wrap it in a shell-component and control through dynamic attributes with the parent component already through this component, then the scaling error disappears. Apparently this is a SketchUp bug?

FWIW I have abandoned groups entirely in Dynamic Components, and I find my life is a lot less frustrating.