Dynamic Component Error - Automatic re-scaling

Continuing the discussion from Problem with dynamic components:

Good Morning All,

I am creating dynamic components for construction equipment for the last 6 years. With some complex models I have 2 issues;

  1. the components start to random rescale automatically after changing the variables in the dialogue/table
  2. the groups within the components starting to take their own X,Y,Z position. After a save and restart it is correcting it self.

I use the following method in Sketchup

  • Create a component, mostly consisting of a line with a length representing the object length
  • Insert inside the component a group with the required shape of the object
  • The model consists of various groups and components with all a unique name unless more of the same name are used, but those groups ar within the same component. I have noticed that these groups then start to behave like components until the moment the command Statistics - Fix Errors has been used.
  • To avoid rescaling I now need to give every group its specific dimensions LenX, LenY and LenZ, and X,Y and Z which is very time consuming

Anybody else has the same issues?

  1. could be some sub components that have other instances in the model, check the misbehaving components subs in the entity info to see how many are in the model.
    2, Always have the parent option dialog open with it showing the correct info when editing a sub or child, otherwise its going to jump to its own axis reference. You can redraw a parent to replace them to their correct position in advent of a mishap.

Groups can be problematic, especially if copied, or have some sort of scaling DC attached. I would have to inspect the file in order to pinpoint the problem, Usually its best to stick to components and have groups on the last nest level.

Are the components you are exploring DCs?

Please load a file, either here or to my private inbox and can inspect and hopefully give some recommendations

Good Morning Philip,

I converted all the groups in to components and the issue with displacement and automatically rescaling did no longer appear.
Thanks for the tip and below the result . . . a concrete pump fully dynamic as is the rest of the equipment in the picture



Hi, Iā€™m Christian, and i have big trouble whith DC, very similar to what RCHSHEPERS says. Iā€™m creating an aplication for arquitecture, using very complex dynamics components, including direct interaction whith textures and geometry of nested component ( 3 or 4 levels ) for monthes. Since yesterday, i have one component that began to work eratically, whith a big change of scale (especially in X), every time i try to click or change one property. Whith 3 ā€œclicksā€ the component is so big that the scale of teh whole model is lostā€¦
I certainly made something wrong, but what. I`ve seen that using GROUPS whithin DC may be an issue, but why? Is there any rule, secret rule?
Hope someone can help, Thanks.

Yes, there are many secret rules, one of them is ā€˜Thy shall share a DC thatā€™s not functioning as expected to a public forumā€™

If you use Groups instead of Components, you need to name each instance, first, otherwise it might connect formulas to unexpected groups.

Are you working in a metric environment, with centimeters as the DC unit? Dynamic components have a bug that Trimble doesnā€™t care to fix where turning off ā€œDisplay units formatā€ in Model Info makes all metric DCs to revert to Inches with the formulas running awry.

thankā€™s for answering, I was entering in total depression, whith so much work unusefull and lost, because some errors where irreversiblesā€¦! (too much ctrl Z) Iā€™m working in cm but iā€™ve never changed the display units format. But in fact Iā€™ve made some copy of same group (same name) inside varios DCā€™s, and made change of geometry without changing name. As they all respond to same variables (change material for example) is it necessary to explode them and change there name? There is something ā€œdarkā€ in the relation between group en DC, at least for me.
In the end, is it imperative to NEVER use same groups inside diferents DCā€™s. If it is so, Iā€™m very surprised that itā€™s not write in big red letter at the beginningā€¦and that one can work weeks without problems, and one day notā€¦!
So Iā€™m re-re-re-built every DC whith that rule and hoping solve the error.
Really apreciate your help.
Sorry for my english not perfect (I didnā€™t understood the ā€œThy shall shareā€¦ā€ of Mike)

It is Mikeā€™s perverted way (fake Bible speak) to ask you to post the offending component file here on the forum. It is much easier to troubleshoot problems when you have the actual file to look at.

Youā€™ll think iā€™m very stupid, but i rarely use forumā€¦ how do you post a file? (no perversion in muy answerā€¦!! itā€™s true)

You can just drag the file into your message window or use the Upload button on the message header

so simpleā€¦!

Justr try tu click on red circle or green square to change component

first fix error

then if sizing problem persists set the size of the sub components on this level

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Hello Anssi : Thankā€™s to respond to me last 14 december for a problema whith DC problem on move or scaling. You told me that there is a bug when working with centimeters as DC unit. Now Iā€™m dealing since 15 days without results with that bug.

Now I have to program what I need to be 120 cm with 47.24 cm (120/2.54) for that it ā€œworksā€ whith DC units in cm!. Iā€™ve tried everything, ungroup, regroup, make component from scratch, but nothing work. The worth is that another component work fine. It seems to occurs when moving a DC, or scaling, X,Y or Z . Is there any solution ? may I work with inches ? Is there any version that works, is there any Ā« future Ā» ? Sorry to insist, but I really donā€™t know what to do, because I have a 6 month work that suddenly began to work erratically, or without any logic that I can understand.

Iā€™m arriving to the point that I must create the component in various place and hide and unhide to simulate the move i need !!!

Iā€™m working whith Sketchup since it exist, and was happy !

Iā€™ll be VERY greatfull if you can hel me.

Best Regard.

Christian GODARD

Arquitecto ā€“ Museografo



Fono 998938930

Hello: Iā€™m still leading whith the same probleme of unpredictable scaling of groups or component inside DCs. Iā€™m really surprised to be apparently the only one that deal with that.
Iā€™ve try many solutions, looking all post i found here (thankā€™s to PCMOOR and ANSSI) and in other blog since 4 month.

Now the situation is, and sorry to be long, but I need to be precise:

1 I create a DC (name RIGHT) of a model of bathroom with interaction for two type of entry, by swaping between to HIDDEN state of 2 groups, and a palet of textures that allows to change them on wall, floor etcā€¦ Eveything work fine.

2 I duplicate the file, rename it LEFT, rename the DC inside this new file, change some geometries without ANY scale of ANY groups, just change PUSH/PULL one faces inside a group, ROTATE groups, thats all. Everithing work fine, EXCEP that when clickin 20 o more times onclick SET(variable to 1 or 0) of a button i have created to swap between two Hidden state, one of the group begin to grows very few, and finishā€¦ badly.

At this moment, right clickin let active REINIT SCALE of some of the groups, wich product very strange things. I distroy the group, make another, try newly, and the bug appears newly after 10 or more clicks.

It look like a kind of ā€œscale virusā€ that begin to Ā« propagate Ā» inside the DC, and terminate affecting them all.

Please have a look a the file and try clicking many times the blue button near the 0, that swap between the 2 entry configurations.

Please check that the right Click REINIT SCALE of every Component, group, sub groups is inactive at the beginning.

After 2 or 3 click, it began to be active on some groups and the scale began to change alone.

Is there any way to borrow that behaviour, says to all groups and componant that stay like they appears, like the AJUST SCALE DEFINITION seems to do with DCā€™s?

Is there any understandable reason and solution?

Iā€™ve banished completly the use of SCALE since a month, but itā€™s not a way to work, and, aditionaly itā€™s not working. Every groups, sub-groups, component are NEW, built from scratch in a brand new file, with no manipulation or scaling, every variable seems correctly conected and works.

Any idea? Itā€™s a mistery to me that impeach me continue my job.

Is there any Trimble direct support ?


BANO 240 ALT Left.skp (14.5 MB)

I had similar issues in the past and worked for me was

Ensure that you only use components not groups

Once you notice a strange behaviour. Go to windows, statistics, purge unused and fix errors. Then save the model under a new name and close sketchup. Once you re open the drawing the issue should be resolved.


Rene Schepers

send from mobile

Thank you RenƩ :

Iā€™ill try that.

Making only component means that every part of the geometries (i have hundreds in one DC) must be a component ?

A wall for example is made of 8 groups (3 type of paintings, 5 type of core)that I may swap to change my complete construction, who contains hundreds of walls of diferents shapesā€¦

Whatever, thankā€™s a lotā€¦

Christian Godard.

Open outliner, select your group, right click - make component. It keeps the same name and axes location


Rene Schepers

send from mobile

I understand. Iā€™ts surely more strong like that.
The problem is that, like every component may be unique, when every shape (grand-grand-grand child) are diferent, itā€™s hundreds of components with diferents name for that to be able to ā€œspeakā€ with them (change material, Hide, etcā€¦), no?
Are not groups made for that?
Really itā€™s a little confuse here, from SU.
Why itā€™s not possible to eliminate the sync (unvisible) between them, if they have a different name?
The worse is that sometimes there is no problems, Iā€™ve a lot of elements of my building that works fine.
I just add a little element and everything goes mad.
Sorry to bother youā€¦! You are not responsibleā€¦

I understand your frustration. Once you convert a group in to a component it remains unique as it copies the group name.

Donā€™t give up now as the satisfaction will only come in the end when you have completed your project, I have been through the same and have learned my lesson how to avoid the issue.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I am creating dcā€™s for the last 8 years.

Rene Schepers

send from mobile

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