I’ve had a problem with dynamic components, where they’ll occasionally lose the ability to “Scale” properly. Instead of populating sub-components when you use the Scale tool, the whole assembly will scale as if it was a regular component. For example, I’m trying to populate an array of solar panels and racking, and the dynamic component usually adds more panels when I scale it in the X and/or Y direction (I toggled the other Scale handles off). But it will sometimes stretch everything in the array instead of expanding the array.
I noticed that this happens when you delete “Copy 0” of any subcomponent, but that doesn’t seem to be the only cause. I never Explode anything, and I avoid deleting “Copy 0” when making customizations within the component. Anyone know what’s going on?
Edit 1: Uploaded the DC in 3 forms:
TEST_Functional (unmodified, should scale/populate normally)
TEST_Broken_Copy0 (intentionally deleted Copy0 of both subcomponents to demonstrate)
TEST_Customized (I changed the Mode of the DC to allow for customizations - I know this won’t Scale properly, but I expect it to “reset” if you toggle the mode back to “Grid”)
I’m still trying to replicate the problem I was having, which was similar to deleting Copy0, but I don’t know why.
TEST_Customized.skp (1.0 MB)
TEST_Broken_Copy0.skp (1007.8 KB)
TEST_Functional.skp (1012.5 KB)