Grouped Object disappearing just when I need them

Just a thought. Do you have the setting for how SU handles all the other groups and components when you edit an entity to HIDE REST OF MODEL in model settings? There are several options for what happens when you edit a group or component from fade to hide. Honestly, I believe the disappearing act in groups and components, not sure about groups.

Another thought, is the scene or style you use set to hide the item that vanished? Hide is an attribute that is saved when a scene is created.

thanks and yes and now… I had set it to dim a bit but that is not the issue. I have NOT set to hide the rest of the model. I imported a floorplan as a graphic, drew an outline of the walls (made it a group so not to mess with other parts) then opened the group to further model and WHAM the plan disappears. This happens both when the plan is just an image and when it is converted into a group. I will try to attach some images to clarify.
No Hide Rest of Model

Share the SketchUp file with us so we can see what you’ve got going on and stop guessing.

Just a thought. Do you have the setting for how SU handles all the other groups and components when you edit an entity to HIDE REST OF MODEL in model settings? There are several options for what happens when you edit a group or component from fade to hide. Honestly, I believe the disappearing act in groups and components, not sure about groups.

Another thought, is the scene or style you use set to hide the item that vanished? Hide is an attribute that is saved when a scene is created.

Check GLUE TO in the creation of components window, see if it’s set to NONE. Other settings are horizontal and vertical, etc. When set other than NONE, the curcer will jump all over as it tries to stick to stuff.

Love to and thanks. Attached
Image & Group.skp (663.9 KB)

Simple now. You’ve create a texture of the imported image so when you edit a group in the model the texture is not displayed. This is normal behavior. If you want the image to show while editing the groups, leave it as an image. Import it into the model as an image and don’t explode it.

I replaced your textured face with the image. Now when a group is open for editing the image remains visible.

Here’s the file.
Image & Group.skp (630.6 KB)

Great and thanks Dave BUT when it is an image other lines will jump to it. I think it also will be cut when drawing a line over top. I appreciate and will test with your file later. Have to head out now…

Nope! If you leave it as an image it will not be modified as you trace over it. That happens when you explode the image to create a face with a texture. In this case I don’t think you want that at all.

By the way, I answered your question about this way back in December with exactly the same advice and I showed you an example.

Point taken Dave, and I understood it at the time… For a number of reasons (perhaps incorrect) I have thought I needed to group the image… One reason was to hide it, but I understand I can do that with Tags.

I think I have found I needed to group to prevent interaction. I will try again and not group the graphic. I would be very happy to see the end of this.

Fwiw, the new released version 2023 added the possibility to Group or Make Component an image without the need of workarounds (exploding or adding an element)

Of course that doesn’t need to come into play in this case if the OP simply imports the image as an image and leaves it as an image as I pointed out three months ago.