I’ve been working fine on my file for about a month now. Over the last 3 days, all of a sudden, 1 or 2 groups just went missing. When I zoom out it reappears at the correct spot, but cannot be selected. When I zoom in it disappears again.
Any idea why? I can’t seem to upload the SKP file (it’s 19mb, it says max upload size 16mb). I can delete a few components and purge and try again if it would help!
Are you using Perspective or Parallel projection in your views? Hard to tell from screenshots. If Parallel, switching to Perspective might help. The Parallel Projection “camera” can get to be moved to weird places when you zoom back and forth and orbit around.
I am experiencing the same thing with a build of a WWII bomber. Here is the model that I downloaded yesterday to back up; everything is good here… NorthAm B-25B 2025-01-15.skp (2.1 MB)
…now here is the same model from today, experiencing the issue that sionghwai is reporting. Check out the fuselage component: NorthAm B-25B 2025-01-16.skp (2.1 MB)
You’ve scaled a bunch of components without scaling their definitions. Right click on the components and choose Scale Definition. In the case of the halves of the airplace you’ll need to also open the nested components and scale the compoennt definitions inside, too.
You have a lot of unneeded nesting too. For example the elevator component s contain a group. There’s absolutely no need for one group inside a component. You also have cases of a mix of loose geometry and components or groups in nested objects. For example the wing should be a component nest to the aileron. If you feel the need to nest the two components that’s fine.
There were hidden objects too. I pressed select on some of the hidden objects that came out in the screen shots. 1 bounding box to the far right disappears when you try to select it.
I am not able to choose Scale Definition; it is greyed out for me.
My nested objects may be less than ideal; my models are works in progress, and so are my modeling skills. Be that as it all may, I have been modeling almost daily for over two years, I have over twenty airplane models in progress, and have never experienced the issue at hand until recently.
Last week, I experienced the same issue with the engine component in the same model. At that time I wrote it off as a fluke, rolled back to a previous version and moved on. Then the same issue happened again today. As it happens, I’m not the only one. Something is going on here.
SU Go is showing something that does not appear at all in SU Web. I did not create or place the object to the far right. I can only speculate, but maybe that’s a clue for the developers to investigate?
First, I am not familiar with Scale Definition, or why it is important, so that will be my next thing to look up.
That said, here’s an interesting observation:
When I selected the inner and outer wings, or the tail surfaces, and chose Scale Definition, it seemed to take. That is, I tried the same again, and it was greyed out. OTOH, when doing the same to the engine, it did not take. I can seemingly right-click on the engine and select Scale Definition all day long. As I mentioned above, this is the component that had previously given me the same grief. So, are you seeing the same?
Forgot about wetransfer which I used a lot in my schooling days haha!
I’ve tried parallel, 2 point perspective and perspective, same thing happens.
The missing group, when visible, cannot be manually selected or double clicked into; when zooming in or out, or rotating the view it disappears and reappears randomly
I’ve managed to rectify it by selecting a couple of objects together with the disappearing group, and exploding them all. But perhaps this is a subject for the devs to look into?
Im faceing the same problems with groups and components since a few days. When I zoom in or out, groups or components appear and disappear. I cant select them anymore. The only workaroud for me at the moment is to rerstore and older version and work with it. After storeing and reopening the same problem appears again.
What did u do to solve this problem?
In a special angle i can see and select the group by selecting the whole model. Absolute strange is the the “selection frame” is way more away?