My skecth up model suddenly gets missing. Zoom extents is not working either. What should I do? Badly need help asap.
Share the file so we have some hope of helping you.
Hi, may I ask how to share a file?
Presumably it’s too large to drag into a reply in this thread. Upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.
There’s no need to send me a private message for this.
Sorry to bother, may I ask how can I share my project?
Dave already answered. What difficulty are you having with the upload?
Sorry, its my first time. I don’t know how to do it.
I told you: Upload the file to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.
That’s just a viewer link. We can’t do anything with your model in the viewer to fix it. Please follow the iinstructions.
Also please correct your forum profile. What operating system? “nvidia” is not an operatting system.
I don’t see a drop box. Where I can i find it?
Go to
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That wasn’t so hard, was it?
Give me a few moments to look at and fix your file. While I’m doing that, straighten out your forum profile.
Yes, sorry for inconvenience. Its my first time using dropbox too.
Have you tried copying and pasting into a new SU file?
There’s no need to copy it into a new file.
The problem is incorrect tag usage. After giving the edges and faces Untagged the model reappeared. ALL edges and faces should be untagged.
I also purged the unused stuff. Don’t hoard components, materials or styles. They just bloat your model. Note the file size reduction. Almost 95% reduction.
Thesis_3D fixed.skp (1.3 MB)
Thank you! What can I do to prevent it?
In this case, use tags correctly. Keep ALL edges and faces untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags.
Thank you!
[/quote] Go to the Sketchup campus and SketchUp YouTube
Both offer great tutorials and videos that should help with your questions.