I have tried all the different graphics settings, switched style to “nicer” but no luck.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for any help!
What is the face style set to?
Please update your forum profile. It says you’re using SketchUp 2020 with Mac OS 10.12.6 and an old Radeon GPU.
doesn’t this applies to the X-ray style ?
could you show us an example maybe ?
Thanks Dave, face is set to shaded With textures.
Trying to update profile. New machine is MacBook pro m4. OS 15.1
Share an example .skp file that shows the problem.
Which graphics engine?
You mean the mac graphics engine?
new shed.skp (3.3 MB)
glass will not change opacity from the slider in paint bucket.
Which one of the translucent materials are you trying to edit?
Several of them aren’t in use in the model.
You have different materials on the inside and outside faces of the glass in the door and materials applied to back faces. I’ve removed the back faces and removed all but one translucent material. Can you edit it in this model?
shed.skp (2.4 MB)
BTW, you have some incorrectly oriented faces on the frame and panel doors. They should be corrected.
Thank you! I was using the Translucent glass blue texture on the large window wall. the reversed faces came from the 3d warehouse, I’m just messing around here. I still can’t affect the opacity on the main large windows.
This is what I see on Windows with the edited version of your model.
Which graphics engine? Look at Settings>Graphics under the SketchUp menu left of File.
That’s what I would like to see!
the graphics selected currently is:
New graphics engine
API metal
Apple m4 pro
but I’ve tried all the combos…
could you show us a screenshot of what you see then ?
Try changing to the Classic graphics engine and restarting SketchUp.
tried the old graphics and re start…
Go to the In Model colors by clicking on the house icon. Highlight the glass material there and try running the Opacity slider back and forth.
still no good…
Show a video of that.
Double click. You need to double click the material to edit it.
I don’t have my mac with me right now, bit this is a possible quirk caused by the mac os panel.
So, double click on the glass material then play with the opacity, and when you’re done close the edit part that appeared at the bottom.