February 14, 2019, 1:34am
Trent is right on the mark, but to help provide context, here is a small selection of the threads from the past two years that provide some additional context. There may be more, I just did a cursory search.
I have found an old thread about exporting a model space dwg from Layout for Revit purposes to be closed for comments, but my topic relates.
If it is not possible to do the above in the 2018 version, then I would like to suggest it as a standard feature for the simple reason (besides the benefits to Revit and BIM users) that one needs to be able to update or edit a 3d model in Sketchup from existing dwg drawings (as reference) received that might only be available in paper space.
Is there no w…
I’m trying for the first time to export DXF/DWG files from a Layout file for AutoCad 2013. I am opening these files, to check on the exports fidelity, in SketchUp 2017 because that is what I have but I need to send them on to someone who works in AutoCad. I have both imported elements (viewports) from SKUP and vector lines, shapes, dimensions, and text that I drew/placed in Layout. I am, I think, checking the appropriate boxes/radio signals in the Options sections of the export process. Upon imp…
Hi, im trying to export a layout plan to DWG. It seems to work fine, but when I open the DWG in AutoCad it opens as one piece with a frame around: I cannot use any of the lines in AutoCad. When I select the entire model in Autocad, only the lines of the surrounding frame are selected. Any idea what Im doing wrong? Im on Mac Sierra, could that be the problem? [image]
Clients required drawings in dwgs to import them into BIM/revit models to have details sheets inside a unique file. Now this workflow is not more possible, or it is very complicated. In layout 2016 version it was possible to complete the work in layout using hybrib or vector graphic, export the drawing and link into revit. Every time i did an update of the design into skp, drawing sheet was automatically updated into Revit file. Now this important option has been turn off in Layout 2017.