Sketch up Layout to Sketchup 3D

Hello, getting started on the Sketchup with the past months, looking to know how to bring a layout file into 3d modelling or is that possible?

So you made a 2D drawing in LAyOut and now you want to bring it into SketchUp? Export a .dxf file from LayOut and import it into SketchUp. From there you can work with it to make it 3D. Generally it’s more efficient if you start in SketchUp and send the model to LayOut to create the 2D views of your project.

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Hello DaveR, thanks, I will try that.

Definitely better to begin in Sketchup. thank you again.

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Hello DaveR, You are a God send, It worked. thank you, thank you, thank you.

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On the export dialog after clicking save, note the option for Export For Sketchup.


Actually this messes up the scale of SketchUp viewports and scaled drawings as it exports the page to AutoCad model space at full scale.

Isn’t that sort of the point, so everything is full size when used in Sketchup?

That is how it ought to be, but isn’t. If you put a plan at 1:50 on an A3 sheet and export with the option, you get an A3 sheet at 1:1 scale. I have for years tried telling the team that the export needs a scaling option. Of course it won’t work if you have multiple scales on a single sheet.

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Ok, I’ve never used it.

I just tried it out and it seems to be an utterly useless option.

It is useful for communicating to engineers but it adds a complication as you have to open it in CAD and scale it up before sending it further.