Does Layout Save an Old Linked SketchUp Model Temporarily?

I made the mistake of saving over the wrong SketchUp file yesterday and lost about a days worth of work. Recoverable, but less than ideal. I haven’t re-linked the new SketchUp file yet into Layout, and was wondering if there was a temporary file stored somewhere in the program files that Layout accesses for un-updated links. The Layout file looks perfect but it’s about to fall apart when I relink the new SketchUp model.

The SketchUp file has been saved over and the SKUP backup file was also saved over. TIA for your help

Yes. There is a copy of the file embedded in the LayOut file. The easiest and safest way to get at it is open the LO file, in Document Setup>References click Unlink. Then right click on a viewport that is linked to that SketchUp file, choose Open with SketchUp and away you go. If you want to replace the “bad” SketchUp file with the embedded one, use File>Save as … in SketchUp. When you are ready to update the LayOut file, select the embedded .skp file in the References list and choose Relink to link it to the .skp file in your project folder.

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One thing to add to Dave’s steps, if you recover an SKP from its embedded version inside the Layout document, it will have a number at the start. Something like 827349827350_MyModel.skp. Once you have it open in SketchUp and are saving it to a good location, you could remove the number and underscore. MyNewModel.skp for example.

That way you don’t end up with names such as 3987459345_71652314236_MyModel.skp.

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Dave, Thank you :pray:
You just saved me about 8 hours of work.


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Okay have a similar problem and have spent a day trying to blind test and fix.
Working on Mac…
Lost SKP original copy …when saving a SKP model I also get a shadow copy with a hyphen after and I tidy up my files and get rid of shaddow copies…accidentally worked in shadow copy and deleted.
As above I can access a embedded version inside the Layout document with a long number 2957802477 for example … and ‘save as’ in file but, the saved its a separate file no longer linked to the layout document …changes in the "save As’ files do don’t reappear in the Doc…
I have days of work in the layout Doc with a ghost version somewhere!
How can I access it please
Thank you

One step in the above
'[quote=“DaveR, post:2, topic:309680”]
in Document Setup>References click Unlink …Where is that on Mac version …windows…sketchup model …box opens …is that it where is the references click unlink ?


On Mac, Document Setup is in the File menu in LayOut just as it is Windows.

Okay …new to all this …I can follow the steps to Unlink and can open the sketchup file in layout and can save to a file …
I can relink layout doc to the file… then test a change and its worked …try again and it doesn’t …open layout doc and it gone back to an imbedded file 87765433…?
obviously I am missing something

Where are you saving the .skp file when you do the Save As step? Where is the LayOut file saved?

Share the LO file so we can see what you’ve got going on.

I think I have two in sink master copies now …not sure what I did wrong…
but thank you …why does SKP create duplicate shadow files with a hyphen behind ? steep learning curve.

It’s called a tilde ( ~ ) and on Mac it’s used to identify the backup copy of the SketchUp model file. On Windows the backup file uses .skb as the file extension. The backup file is created in case the original file becomes corrupted.

It is very important that you pay attention to the filename and look for the ~. Make sure you aren’t opening that file when you mean to be working in the original file. If you inserted the original file into LayOut and then later opened the backup SketchUp file to make edits, those edits will not come over to LayOut since the changes aren’t made to the linked file.

Also note that if you edit filename~.skp and save the changes you will wind up with another backup file called filename~~.skp.

Clearly you can mess things up quite badly by not paying attention to the file you are working on.