Recover, overwritten sketch-up file from Layout

Hi all
First post from me here, even though I have been using Sketch-Up for quite some years now.
I accidentally saved a sketchup file, in top of another, which lost me the overwritten file, dont talk about I should have taken back-up, I have already slammed my head to the wall for that mistake.

However, I have the reference file in the Layout, where I can measure, add and remove layers, All in all, everything is there, but I cant seam to find the location of the file. Is it not possible to recreate or recover your Sketchup 3D file from the layout reference file?
Added info: Layout is asking me to update reference because “there is a never version available” this I have ofcause not done.

Hope someone have tried similar and succeeded or just have a work around that I can use.
Thank in advance

I don’t use Layout, there must be an “official” solution too… but there is a hack, I know::

The .layout file is a .zip file.
So, copy/duplicate your .layout file to other folder and rename its extension to zip. (E.g.: my_layout.layout >> )
Open this zip file and the ref folder in it should contain all of your skp file(s) embed into layout. You can recover it from there.

  • Close both files, SketchUp and Layout.
  • Rename the SKP file in File Explorer (Windows)
  • Open Layout file > select the model > right click > Open with SketchUp.

Hi Mihai.s
The referred SketchUp file does already have the correct name, but is it the wrong content within the skp file. I’m affraid this does not solve it, but thanks for the effort.
If you have other suggestion be my guest :slight_smile:

Just trying to rename the extension, not as simple a previous. It sticks to the Layout file format, even when writting .zip in the end of the file name…
But I have not given up.

You need to take out the checkmark of the “Hide extension for known file types” at the Windows File Explorer option:

Thanks got it…
Now it looks like this?
Dont pay any attention to the danish file naming, let me know if you need translation :slight_smile:

I dont know how to embed, sorry.
I’m a rookie here :slight_smile:



It seems there is no skp file in your layout. :frowning:

Better to share your layout file, then someone perhaps can saves out of it for you…

So close, but I really appreciate all your effort :smiley:

Before I give you the solution, I tested with a file of mine and confirmed that it works as I knew, and if you worked correctly and the SKP file exists in the layout file, then both methods, Dezmo’s and mine would solve such a situation.

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I’m more than willing to try again, but it seams that the SKP file does not exists inside of my layout file, again maybe because it have the wrong reference file.
My layout file btw is 32mb, which means I cannot upload it here.

Hi both of you.

Thank you for your stubborness :smiley:
I just tried to activate all “tags” in the layout file and tried the file type renaming.
It works now.
Thank you. thank you. BIG time


You can use a file-sharing service like Dropbox or google drive…
Make sure it is set to be public and share the link here…